Cannot install windows on MBR. Will changing UEFI to legacy help?


Mar 30, 2015
Hi, i was formatting my cousin's HP laptop. I deleted the partition containing windows files (was that a wrong step?) and created a new partition. But I'm unable to install windows on it as i get the error-
"Windows cannot be installed to this disk. the selected disk has an MBR partition table. On EFI system, Windows can only be installed to GPT disks"

Is there any other solution than formatting the entire hdd? Because I'll have to go through recovery then. Would changing to legacy help?
Boot from windows installation media in legacy mode.
(During POST process bring up boot menu and select boot from installation media without UEFI in the name).

Here is an example. ADATA USB flash drive - one entry with "UEFI", one without.

I tried this and it worked for me.
Temporarily disable the EFI Boot :
Restart the computer, and then press F10 to enter the BIOS.
Storage - Boot Order , and then disable the EFI Boot Sources
Select File - Save Changes - Exit
Install the Windows
Enable the EFI Boot Sources setting in the BIOS:
Restart the computer, and then press F10 to enter the BIOS.
Navigate to Storage - Boot Order , and then enable the EFI Boot Sources .
Select File - Save Changes - Exit
]Hi, I'm again stuck at the bios because my menu is different from either of you. This is what i have- http://

I've enabled legacy but still it's loading to windows diagnostics. I see there's an option "boot device options" in F9 as i saw it in YouTube. But F9 doesn't seem to work for me. What should i do now?
Yes finally I've succeeded in doing it! The problem was that f9 wasn't working on my keyboard. I bought my friend's usb keyboard and proceeded with f9. Thanks alot guys.

Btw, will legacy cause any future inconveniences? Why was UEFI preferred in the first place?