Cannot Open or Run or install any Programs!


Jan 2, 2012
Hello- please help!

-Cannot open any programs or install any anti-virus. (I was able to get onto IE through a back way but nothing else is openable.)
-I installed Malwarebytes, Avira and Regseeker to take off this virus but it won't allow me to install the programs.
-It won't open anything with a ".exe" file extension.
-I tried opening programs and installing the AVs in Safe Mode but the same "error" message came up as in Normal Mode.
-The Message says: "this file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action. Install a program to fix it."
-EVERYTHING worked fine yesterday and early this morning. Nothing in registry was messed with and no options were changed.

Please help! i need the stuff on this computer and it isn't backed up so a total reset of the computer is out of the question. the stuff on this computer is worthless to everyone else in the world so why would a malware be on this computer??

If i could get the AVs installed and running, I know that I could fix it from there.

-note: i know a little about computers. Enough to get by. so, if the answer is really technical, i would appreciate it if it were outlined step by step. Sorry to do that to you.

Thank you for your time.


Try this ( Also after you get it working go to your system restore options in controll panel and shut off system restore. This will delete all restore points. Once done re-start system restore. It is highly possible the virus is present in one of the save restore points.
Go Here and Download exefix_cu.reg, and save it to Desktop. (Link is in the tutorial - it is a small text script that will reset the exe file assocition so that they will work properly again.

Note : If you can not download it properly just open NOtepad and copy\Paste the following text (Not the Quote: portion just the rest of the text !) from inside the Quote into notepad and select Save As -- change to All files instead of .txt and save as resetexe.reg (be sure it has the .reg extension or the Merge option will not be there when right Clicked) and save to your desktop -- then right click on the saved file and select MERGE to reset the association.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



Jan 2, 2012
Thank you both!! The .exe files work again and I will delete the restore points. The AVs are installing now and I know that the virus will be uprooted. I appreciate the help very much as does my computer.


Happy New Year. If you are up to it consider a clean install of Windows. Yes it is some what involved but it is the only way to know your system is 100% clean again. The virus you had is infecting many people..your not alone.


Mar 18, 2016



Mar 18, 2016
i am not very sure that this is your problem however if you have down loaded a program and not able to install it,
then right click, open the properties, general , in the last line you will find in bottom most line that
it is done