Cannot Open Ports On One Computer On The LAN


Oct 29, 2009
I cannot contact my computer from the web, via our external IP plus a port number.

We have a permanent IP - 101.167.x.x and I've port forwarded port 2555 to my computer.

So 101.167.x.x : 2555 should contact my computer.

But it does not.

There's IIS running on my computer, of course.

I have another computer on the LAN with IIS on it. And I forwarded a port to that one.

Port 3333. 101.167.x.x : 3333 reaches that computer fine. No problems.

So it looks like the router is okay.

I have a small LAN and TG800vac router.

Using 'localhost' I CAN connect with my own computer. So IIS is okay.

The router is okay. The IIS is okay. What could be wrong?

Port Scanners report my computer has no open ports at all. Even though obviously port 80 is open because it is running browsers all the time for instance.

Anyone got any ideas?
Finally came up with a suggestion to use 'netsh' and force a listen on

Like this:
command prompt.
then 'netsh'
then 'http'
then 'show iplisten'
and should be listed.
you can delete what is shown if you like, I think. I had only shown which I deleted:
'delete iplisten ipaddress='
and added in
'add iplisten ipaddress=

and then restart IIS:

cmd prompt

' iisreset'

That fixed it for me.