Cannot run BF3 on high settings with GTX 570


Aug 29, 2012
As I said in the title, I cannot run BF3 on high settings with the Evga GTX 570, I've seen many videos on youtube showing just a single 570 running at Ultra settings and their system specs are no better then mine?

Here are my system specs:
CPU: Intel i5 3570k @3.4 GHz (4 CPUS)
RAM: Ripjaw X-Series 8GB PC3 10666 Dual Channel DDR3
Motherboard: AsRock H77 Pro4 -m
740 isn't much of a core overclock. I'm running stable at 900 core/2200 mem. That isn't enough to account for your loss in performance, but running multisampling will account for it. Limit yourself to 0x MSAA but leave post-processing maxed out (it's not demanding and looks pretty good).

Also, 295.73 were pretty good drivers for BF3 in my experience.
570 can't do full ultra + 4x msaa without dipping to 50 fps in many spots, but it can do all ultra settings AND +0x msaa. It can certainly under normal circumstances run BF3 on all high settings at no lower than 60 fps in any instance, as long as you do not have multisampling turned up too high. What is your MSAA set at? And what driver are you using? Have you checked afterburner graphs to see your GPU use during gaming?

I was monitoring it during gameplay and my GPU usage said 100%, I have overclocked the card to 740 MHz core clock 1464 MHz shader clock 1900 MHz memory clock. I'm using the latest nvidia driver which is 301.42 (I believe) and during gameplay I had my MSAA set at x2. Another thing is my CPU usage is hovering around the 60% marks.
740 isn't much of a core overclock. I'm running stable at 900 core/2200 mem. That isn't enough to account for your loss in performance, but running multisampling will account for it. Limit yourself to 0x MSAA but leave post-processing maxed out (it's not demanding and looks pretty good).

Also, 295.73 were pretty good drivers for BF3 in my experience.
I knew that wasn't really much of an overclock, the only reason I'm that low is because my Battlefield seems to crash after I get higher then 800 MHz for the core clock, I'll give your overclock settings a shot and I'll tell you what the result is.


Well I just tried your overclocking settings and about 3 seconds after applying the settings I get this message:

Display driver NVIDIA Windows Kernel Mode Driver, Version 301.42 stopped responding and has successfully recovered.

Well I'm going to take those words "successfully recovered" as a good thing and go ahead into the game, wish me luck!

Just played some campaign with your overclock settings, with my settings on high and x2 MSAA. Able to maintain 60 FPS (Have v-sync on due to texture tearing, not sure why I have a 1ms response rate on my monitor) All that's left to do is to test some multiplayer and hope for the best!

What Sunius said. When you got the crash, and went back into the game without restarting you effectively reverted the overclock. For me to maintain those numbers I also have to push my voltage to the bios-limit and set steady voltage and numerous other tweaks, and 900mhz is right on the cusp of a stable core for my GPU in BF3. If I go to 905 it will guaranteed crash to desktop within 10 minutes.