Cannot starting the windows


May 24, 2015
When starting the windows, there are 2 option start windows normaly or fix the error. If I choose starting windows normaly it came out blue screen and restarting it self. If try to fix, it came out languange select and system recovery option but do not detect any partition of my hard disk. I tried to reinstall the windows but there are no drives detected. Any advice about what causing the error and how to fix it ?
Sounds like failed hard drive or bad cable. Double check the connections or try a different cable. See if the hard drive is detected in another machine. You can run Seatools for DOS to test the drive:

Thanks for the reply. Its laptop and I already check there no problems with connection because my bios could detect my internal hard disk. Also, I checked using mini tools partition wizard bootable and it detect my disk and partition. The problem is without any letter C: D: etc.