Cannot use GPU for old games


Oct 16, 2014
This laptop has the i7-5500U CPU with an Intel HD Graphics 5500 IGP, and a NVIDIA GTX 850M (4GB) dedicated GPU. This GPU is probably not something a hardcore gamer would want, but it gets the job done for me, I can play every single modern game (that I've tried), with decent frame rates, unless I go "ultra high" on "FHD" resolution. I have tried Witcher 3 , Tomb Raider, Evil Within, Crysis 3, BattleField4, GTA5, Assassins Creed Syndicate, everything is "playable".

My problem is with old games. Not that I need the GPU for these games, well..

Say I launch an old game, like Sim City 3000, Project IGI 1, Serious Sam 2, Max Payne 1, they will always use the Intel graphics. Even If I right click on the game and select "Run with high performance Nvidia processor", or i force the game to use the GPU in Optimus settings, the game will ALWAYS use intel graphics.

Again, I don't want to actually play these games using my GPU, the HD graphics 5500 can play these fine. This is a "general curiosity" question. Why are these games refusing to use the GPU?


I think you're right. The nvidia support link you provided certainly agrees with what you said.