[SOLVED] Canon MX850 Multifunction Inkjet Printer "Error B200"

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HOMER 2017

Feb 21, 2017
My wife's printer is a Canon MX850 and it has a B200 Error on the LCD.

I tried a method of switching off the power to the printer a few times, and I also checked for paper blockages, etc. Everything there okay.

I tried something that someone had done in a video by lifting up the Scanner bed like I was going to do a Ink Cartridge replacement, then switching on the printer as advised and the printer head does not move.
Although it sounds like it is going through the start up process the printer head does not move at all before the Error B200 shows on the LCD panel.

The "Orange Alarm Light" is also flashing 10 times

Can anyone help?

Well since I posted this thread, I have managed to move the Printer Head manually to the centre.

I also watched a few videos related to the Error B200 that I felt were helpful

I also contacted Canon Australia that turned out to be a complete waste of my time

I removed the printer head and gave it a slow bath in warm water. After that I let it sit for 12 hours to dry out.
I performed a test to see if the printer operated without the printer head and it did run as per normal apart from printing without bringing up the Error B200. I then cut the power to the printer and placed the printer head into it's cradle in the printer, and then switched the power back on to the printer and within 10 seconds the Error B200.
This tells me that the Printer Head QY6-0075 from the Canon MX850 is at fault.

If anyone out there has a different view on this problem please let me know
Last Sunday 26th February my wife and I purchased a running second hand Canon MX850 for a very reasonable price of AUD$45. It had some cosmetic scratches and the copy flap was missing.
When we got it home I decided to put the Printer Head into the wife's MX850. I inserted the inks and started up the wife's printer and it went through all of the start up procedures without any problems. I then connected that printer to my wife's computer and started up the Maintenance by doing a Deep Head Clean, I then did a Bottom Plate Clean, then a Print Head Alignment, followed by a Nozzle Check Pattern.
Everything was up and running to what it should.

With the old Printer Head I inserted it into the second hand printer that we had purchased.

Started it up and within 10 seconds the "Error B200" was showing on the LCD and the Alarm Light was Flashing (10 times) as it was in the original printer.

My solution was a simple fix at AUD$40, as reconditioned QY6-0075 Printer Heads are going for around AUD$100 - AUD$140 depending on the vendor on eBay.
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