Canonical Ubuntu 13.10 Now Available

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Already using it on my desktop. Just like 13.04, it's a good release. Smooth and works well with my games in Steam (unlike 12.10, that was a bad release). The most noticeable thing for me is that my Saitek X52 controller works nicely in 13.10, it didn't in 13.04.
Downloaded it, so you dont have too.

Trust me there is no reason to use it, go for :

lubuntu or lxle = for Windows XP users

ArchBang/Archlinux = Minimalistic O.S, runs fast on anything.

Linux Mint = for Windows 7 users

if you truly insist

use Ubuntu if you like Windows 8/8.1/8.future fails
I want a Linux with the Aero-like glass effect.
Also, one that won't be a problem with my UEFI, I heard that some brick their computers because of the UEFI and trying to install another OS (Hackingtosh and Linux)
If I really wanted to type stuff in order to execute programs ever again I'd go for Slackware (my old-time favorite). If I'm installing an OS with functional and good-looking GUI I'll go for Kubuntu instead - it can be tweaked to look like any decent desktop OS (be it Windows XP, 7, whatever), without Windows 8 level of retardedness.
Hummm ... Ubuntu 13.x ? Why should I ever change from U_10.04LTS currently running my AMD965/MSI-gd70 system ... or change from 12.04LTS currently running my latest build XEON.1240/MSI-gd55 ?

GNOME-2/classic front-ends both. Where is my advantage in "upgrading"? Oh yeah I prudently do **not** own an RSA-queered "smartfone".
1. Distributive doesn't matter really, for your glass effect, you can pick any. Then install either Cairo dock + Emerald or KDE(there is even Windows 7 theme if you like one).
2. UEFI isn't a problem and never was. UEFI Secure boot is if you can't disable it in MB. If you build PC yourself you have no problem, if you used build by some company you may have them.
Distros that solved the problem with easy way of installing Linux on MS locked devices(no switch for this function) without replacing UEFI with Coreboot are Ubuntu and Fedora, maybe all at this point, not sure.
Installed 13.10 on my main rig as soon as it was released. Decided to finally dump the Windows 8 dual boot entirely and do a clean install. Haven't looked back once. It's not like I had booted into it for the past 3 months anyway.

As for what it looks like, that's a big plus of Linux. Make it look and act like whatever you want. Windows, Mac, a Star Trek panel, a calculator, whatever.
Windows 8 is still way faster, but they're getting closer with every ubuntu release. I noticed that X3 actually runs better under Linux than it does in windows for some reason. Everything else, Win8 is far superior.
Ubuntu is dead, the moment they took course of win 8.x direction. At this time i use Linux Mint 13 mate and i suggest it to my family, friends, customers.
Simple, easy, fast with classic desktop and most of all CONFIGURABILITY !!!
Gnome 3 and Unity are taking away freedom of setting up YOUR own way of work !
Limiting PC system options for compatibility with touch devices (tablet phone) is RETARDED !!! That should NOT be the main trend but an option ONLY. That so-called ease of use is for programmers NOT users ...
Ubuntu is dead, the moment they took course of win 8.x direction. At this time i use Linux Mint 13 mate and i suggest it to my family, friends, customers.
Simple, easy, fast with classic desktop and most of all CONFIGURABILITY !!!
Gnome 3 and Unity are taking away freedom of setting up YOUR own way of work !
Limiting PC system options for compatibility with touch devices (tablet phone) is RETARDED !!! That should NOT be the main trend but an option ONLY. That so-called ease of use is for programmers NOT users ...
All the Ubuntu haters out there. U need ubuntu and fedora to keep all the other distros healthy... I like Ubuntu 13.04 but i like Linux Mint too

Its about choices with Linux, but dont forget what makes those choices possible
I want a Linux with the Aero-like glass effect.
Also, one that won't be a problem with my UEFI, I heard that some brick their computers because of the UEFI and trying to install another OS (Hackingtosh and Linux)
Don't blame Linux. Blame M$ for their OS lock out secure boot disguised as a security measure.

Just disable secure boot and be done with it. There is really no other problems with UEFI
I can confirm this 13.10 release works perfectly on my Lenovo G480. Everything works out of the box. Honestly speaking, really looking forward to owning a phone or tablet installed with Ubuntu or Mint or any good Linux distro.
Thank you, rokit. It is a pre-built laptop by ASUS.

@smeezekitty Yes, I am fully aware that the problem is with Microsoft.
Yet, I have seen articles online where someone tries to install a Linux distro on the laptop I have and have bricked the laptop 2 times, so he ends up buying 3 laptops of the same. He probably had the cash lying around to not worry about bricking them laptops but UEFI was the reason for the bricking, I don't want to risk it, but I do want to go full-Linux on the laptop without Windows at all on it.
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