Hey guys. I just built my PC and I have a problem with it. The specs are msi b450 tomahawk, ryzen 5 2600 and g.skill aegis f4-3000c16s-gisb. I have used the PSU and the gpu from my old system (which had some boot issues too, kind of similar to this one's), Corsair cx500m and gtx 650. So here is the problem:
First boot was OK. I installed windows and everything was fine. However, when I shut the PC down and tried to boot again, it wouldn't boot, the cpu ez debug led stayed on and the gpu fan was on 100%. The only way to solve this was to completely unplug the system for 10 minutes and reset the bios by using the clr_cmos jumper. The system then booted perfectly fine. However, after each shut down the problem appears again. I have noticed that the problem only appears when the system turns off completely. I mean when the power button led goes off and the fans stop spinning. If I reboot through windows everything works fine because the fans don't stop spinning and the power button led stays on. Sorry for the long post. Any ideas? P.s.: Haven't tried a different PSU yet but the problem persists with a different gpu.
First boot was OK. I installed windows and everything was fine. However, when I shut the PC down and tried to boot again, it wouldn't boot, the cpu ez debug led stayed on and the gpu fan was on 100%. The only way to solve this was to completely unplug the system for 10 minutes and reset the bios by using the clr_cmos jumper. The system then booted perfectly fine. However, after each shut down the problem appears again. I have noticed that the problem only appears when the system turns off completely. I mean when the power button led goes off and the fans stop spinning. If I reboot through windows everything works fine because the fans don't stop spinning and the power button led stays on. Sorry for the long post. Any ideas? P.s.: Haven't tried a different PSU yet but the problem persists with a different gpu.