Can't boot Asus Transformer Book T100TA from USB to install do a clean install of Windows


Jan 8, 2017
I am currently trying to do a clean install of Windows on my sisters Asus Transformer Book T100TA, but it refuses to boot up from it and instead boots up from the hard drive. The USB stick is formatted correctly, I tested it on 2 other PCs. Boots up fine on those. While reading around, I found out I have to change the boot mode to CSM, this option isn't avalible in the BIOS though (BIOS is up to date). This eventually brought me to the conclusion that the Notebook might be UEFI compatable only. So after reading around I found out that I should use Rufus to format the USB with UEFI compatability. For some reason, it still only boots from the hard drive, even if I have the USB stick as the only boot option. The only difference this makes, is that while booting up, it now shows the Windows logo instead of the Asus logo. Really hope someone can help, I've been getting really frustrated.
I have a T100T, and have booted from a USB Win 10 32bit more than once to do a OS reinstall.
And using the MS Mediacreation tool to create the USB.

But shouldn't I be able to at least start the setup and clear the hard drive there?

What version of Windows have you put on the USB stick? And is it 32bit or 64bit?

Because I had the same problem (trying to do a clean install of Windows 10 on a T100TA and it would detect the bootable USB stick but, even though I selected that, it would just boot to the existing Windows 8.1 installation every time).

Finally I realised that it was because the USB stick only had the 64bit version of Windows 10 on it, because I had used the Microsoft Media Creation Tool to create it on a different PC, which had 64bit Windows 10 so that's what it defaulted to. I went back and remade the USB stick and this time selected the option to put both 32bit and 64bit versions on it, and now the T100TA boots from it and gives me the option of 32bit and 64bit. If I select 64bit it just boots to Windows 8.1 again, but selecting 32bit gets me into Windows 10 setup and proceed with the installation.

I didn't have to use Rufus or any other tools, just the Media Creation Tool, but you have to use 32bit Windows as even though the T100TA has a 64bit CPU the UEFI only supports 32bit.