Cant boot into windows, two HDDs failing


Jul 23, 2013
So i've had an issue with windows not being able to boot normally lately. I have a 750gb seagate HDD, in two partitions. My computer usually had an issue where it randomly restarted with no warning at least once a week. The the issue became a problem since i stopped being able to open any software because ofwarnings about missing DLLs. I restarted and couldnt boot into windows (Windows repair popping up). So i reinstalled windows, all worked fine, until i stopped being able to boot into windows again. Thinking that i cant lose 40gb of very important and personal files, i borrowed another HDD, a 160gb seagate one (same models too) and installed windows on it. All worked perfectly until the same thing happened. Now both hdds cant boot into windows and seem to randomly change from MBR to GPT, and the opposite.
Right now i tried reinstalling windows to save the personal files but windows cant finish installing after the reboot and cant format a partition. Im getting a "windows failed to start" error.

So far i tried:
-Changing the sata cables and ports
-Reinstalling windows 7 multiple times
- Formatting multiple times

Also tried Memory test, but it gets stuck at 11% everytime.

Pc Specs:
Fx-6300 stock
6gb DDR3 ram (gifted from a friend)
R9 270x
GA-970A (gifted from a good friend)
Seagate 750gb hdd
Corsair cx500m psu

Thanks for any help