Can't Buy COD:MW Remastered


Mar 5, 2007
I think it's B.S. that you can't buy Call of Duty Modern Warfare Remastered. Activision requires you to buy Infinite Warfare. I bought COD:MW and I think those who bought it should get it for free, or least allow those who bought to buy the remastered copy for a discount. If you haven't bought the game at all, then you should be able to buy it and I think they should sell it for the price that MW costs when it was originally released.

IMO, Modern Warfare was the best COD and the last good COD. After that I switched to Battlefield. I feel the BF franchise is so much better than COD. Having said, I'm a little worried about BF1. Of course, I preordered it, but I was soooo hoping the next BF was in the future. I know COD had played that to death, but BF only has BF2142. I'll stay positive and while I have absolutely have NO interest in WWI, I'm hoping BF will change that. Hopefully, Dice does it right. Assuming they do, it's possible it could be the best BF ever. I'm just afraid of BF: Hardline and Battlefront. OMG. Battlefront was the biggest disappointment ever. If Dice screws up again, I think they're about done, so BF1 had better be good!
I agree, as do many people. It's not enough that they sell mass quantities of CoD every release, they have to force you to buy the latest one just to get a remaster of one of the most popular ones. That's Craptivision for you.

Deleted member 1560910


I personally hope this is the last cod they make


Mar 5, 2007
I would pick both of you as the solutions as I could, but my post was more of a comment and how irritated I am with today's state of gaming in terms of having to pay more. I come from an age when map packs, now called DLC was free. Even some expansion packs were free and I recall buying the original DOOM, that came on 4 floppy's, which I still have. I'm not certain on the price, but I think it was around $10. About every 7 years or so, games would go up $5 to $10 more. What's more is when games cost only $10, they still included a game manual. One of the best manuals came with the original Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic and again I don't remember the price, but I know it wasn't more than $45. The manual was made of high quality color paper with rings in it, so the pages wouldn't get creased. I still have that as well.

Now days, they don't give you crap, but oh, if you buy the COD True Fan Edition that comes with a miniature action figure, you only have to pay $120 or so. You know, they give them some extra name and put something in it, but charge you twice for some stupid thing that's usually poorly made and definitely doesn't deserve you paying twice the price of the game. Then, if you want the DLC, you'll pay another $50 or $60.

As many people were disappointed, I was too with Battlefront. I was supposed to be Battlefield in the Star Wars universe, but with 3rd person mode. Actually had they just actually made Battlefield 2143 basically and slapped Star Wars Battlefront on it, it would have been at least a solid success, not the turd they released. Then they too want you to pay $50 for the DLC. At least I was smart enough to wait to see how good it was. I'm a DICE fan and thought, well Battlefield: Hardline was a disappointment, but that's OK because I'm sure the reason for that was because all their best people were working on Battlefront. Well, I guess not. There are some games you play now only in Alpha that are way better than Battlefront.

Having said all of that, from what I've seen, Battlefield 1 looks to be a success, but while Battlefront also had very good reviews before launch as well, but I think more people have played BF1 than they did Battlefront. If they screw BF1 up though, they're screwed. I hope that's not the case. As far as COD is concerned though, it just looks like Infinite Warfare is just leftovers from last nights meal with some added pepper. I know BO3 sold well and alot of people like it and even I bought it. I don't know why, because I barely play COD games anymore. I guess I remember the good 'ol days.

DICE is making a bold move with a WW1 and if they can sell it, they can start a new WWI BF franchise and I hope they do! I also hope to see BF2143!!! I think Activision should take a change like DICE and EA did. Sure, it could bomb, but I don't see COD getting any better and I think it's ridiculous that t here's a new COD game out every year. DICE has been doing this lately too. A good game takes at least 3+ years to make. If you cut that down to a year or a 1 1/2, then you're just diluting the quality of the game. If someone like EA or Activision can make a game every year and it be at least good, then that's one thing, but if it's bad, that's another.

I'm going OT here, but the same thing is happening to movies and TV shows. I LOVE Star Wars, but I swear, I'd rather wait 3 years in between movies and have a great movie vs. seeing Star Wars every year that looks like an episodic tv series. That's why I'm both excited and very worried about Rogue One and they're already done shooting EP VIII and I believe I've heard they're writing EP IX now?? Another thing is, even if a movie is good, when you release it so often, it loses some of the magic and wonder. I mean in 2 years, it's gonna be like....oh hey another Star Wars is coming what's the weather gonna be like tomorrow. So yeah, you take the enthusiam making them so close together.

I think both games and movies, 3 years is a good spread. Even 2 is good, just keep DLC coming and drop raising the price on games, while lowering the quality and content. Look at Star Wars: The Old Republic. Don't know how many people still play it, but if you haven't played it in a while you should. It's a very solid MMO now that has most everything you want. Sure their PvP space fighter isn't so hot, but everything besides that is good. I think SWTOR is at least one of the best MMO's out there.

A new MOBA coming out called Paragon is coming out and I hate MOBA's, just can't seem to get into them, but Paragon is amazing. It looks like an FPS game in terms of how gorgeous it is, but it's a true MOBA and it's going to be free I hear and right now it's in OPEN beta and I recommend everyone who likes gaming give it a try, even those who hate MOBA's. You might like it. The gameplay itself is a little like a cross between an FPS/MMO/MOBA. Paragon will be releasing new heroes every few weeks for free and Epic Games promises that it won't be pay to win like some games. They will have an in-game store, but it's only stuff like emotes and different outfits. Nothing that affects gameplay.

Well, sorry...didn't mean to go all over the place with this thread, but I did.