can't chkdsk external HD, can't find solution on another same topic


Mar 25, 2015
my hardisk 750 gb, i trying chkdsk because i still hope the partition is not damaged, but i can't complete it and always get "failed to transfer logged message to the event logwith stratus 50", and if i try opening from cmd always get "error performing inpage operation", if i try open from windows always get "hang", i still can get information about hardisk filesystem and volume name from chkdsk, but on explorer size and name not showing. if i click it, computer become hang.

and i still don't have any free hardisk to make recovery data first[restore data to another HD], so what i can do now is try chekdisk.

already try searching and try the another many forum suggestion, but still failed. nothing resolved [even with thread tag resolved].

if anyone know or have effective solution please give me advice.

what i already do is :

1. using normal chkdsk from warning, when connect it to my laptop. finish and it say already solved. but warning still pop-up and pc become super sluggish. [on this time volume name and size still show up] [i check first option "automatically fix file system", and option two i don't check it]
2. after that i using normal chkdsk from windows with all options checked. but, i cancel it because have something to do with my laptop. i cancel and shutdown it. can't safely remove, warning say still in use, so i shutdown it.
3. on this phase, my hardisk not showing volume name and size. and if i click it [right or left] from explorer, my pc "hang", i waiting one hour still "hang". so, i shutdown it.
4. i use easeus, and then disk doctor. but it's say database is locked [What is the relation?].
5. so, i using dos with chkdsk /R /X but stopped on stage 2 of 5. with message "failed to transfer logged message to the event logwith stratus 50". then i use repair mode from windows tools stil get same result.
6. every time i chkdsk, unreadable message increase [stage 1 of 5]

I suggest you test the hdd with manufacturers windows diagnostic software
Western Digital data lifeguard for windows works with any brand
Seagate also has a similar program

If there are bad sectors chkdsk will not suceed in fixing problem

Minor problems like a few bad sectors can be repaired before chkdsh is run again

(Serious problems with hardware errors are beyond most amatuers )
If minor problems can be fixed then

Then data can be recovered and a new hdd purchased as hdd problems usually get worse

Mike Barnes
Hey there, allenwalkerint!

I'd also recommend you to test the drive using an HDD-specific diagnostic utility. Running chkdsk is risky as it could potentially further the damage on your external drive! I'd suggest you to go to your HDD manufacturer's website and find the utility that will help you test the hard drive's health and SMART status. If you cannot find it, you can refer to this thread for some third-party suggestions:

Unfortunately, it does sound like you are dealing with severe damage! :( If you wish to retrieve your files, I'd advise you to turn to a professional data recovery company for assistance. DIY data recovery attempts could be hazardous for your files.

Keep us posted with the diagnostic test results!


Mar 25, 2015
thanks for reply, i will try it. i'm using transcend StoreJet 25M2 (USB 2.0), old one. i looks at but i don't know which one, when i select transcend StoreJet 25M2 (USB 2.0), no "diagnostic tool" or something that have function for "transcend StoreJet 25M2 (USB 2.0)". yeah, iwill search it on another free software.
i will post again if i already have any result......