Question Can't click on anything after turning on pc


Feb 17, 2018
Hi everyone,

My PC is not responding at all after turning it on. Here is what's going on:
-The cursor can move but it can't click on anything. Same thing with the keyboard (responds to caps lock but can't open apps with it).
-I tried reinstalling my driver as some recommended, and this worked for a little while but the same problem occurred again.
-I've got some blue screens, if that helps to narrow down the potential problem.
-Computer works fine in safe mode, but does not work on normal settings (even when the graphics driver is uninstalled).
-The only way to shut down my pc is by force shutting it. Ctrl+alt+del does not work

ASUSTek Computer INC. P8H67-M LX
Intel Core i5-2500 CPU @ 3.30GHz
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050
8GB Ram

What do you think is going on with my pc? Thanks for your help!
My PC freezes after the welcome screen and this happens every once in a while. Some days it's working fine, so I can't pinpoint why this is happening.
I don't think it's my GPU because this happens with my computer's "default" graphics driver as well.
Basically my PC only (reliably) works on safe mode...
I should also mention that this problem started happening after my monitor started to turn off randomly. This problem was fixed by uninstalling and reinstalling the graphics driver, but now I have this new problem to deal with.

ASUSTek Computer INC. P8H67-M LX
Intel Core i5-2500 CPU @ 3.30GHz
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050
8GB Ram

Thanks for your help in advance.