Can't comment or reply while using youtube on my iphone


Jan 20, 2015
first of all i have an iphone 5s with working internet
i dont know whats the problem but i cannot reply or comment on videos while watching youtube on it the section is there but when i click to comment nothing happens
Are you sure you are logged in under your YT account when accessing through the phone? If so, you should have the same access as you do through a PC/laptop/tablet. However, I have noticed that sometimes for whatever reason I come across threads that I cannot respond to when logged in. I can type a new comment but not reply to someone else's comment in a previous thread.
Then it's an iOS issue. Comments are working fine on my friend's iPhone 6. See if you can find the latest Youtube/Google app and update it. If you can at least see the comments then that's the only thing I can think of. Otherwise maybe get on an Apple support forum.

I can see the comments and like them, i really don't want to update youtube xD cuz its sh*t plus if i go to the apple support forum they are gonna ask me what ios version am using xD which am using 7 because am jailbroken then they wont help me after that
I have an IPhone 6s, and I still have the same problem. I can't type a reply, I can't send a reply, and I have Been through 2 YouTube Updates, and it's still not fixed. I uninstalled and reinstalled the app, but still the same results.

I did the exact same thing when i had that same problem, and its still not fixed. I'm on AOS right now, typing this, and it works! Wtf YouTube!

Running Android 6 on the NVIDIA Shield Tablet. This has been happening since last night. The on-screen keyboard never shows and tapping on the reply or make new comment buttons/sections don't result in anything.