Cant connect GPU to Display

Sep 15, 2018
Hey i have a computer.

I3 Processor
Nvidia GeForce 1050
Asus hm 110 Mother board

My problem here is. I have my display connected to motherboard trought VGA
My GPU has DVI / HDMI / Display Port

I tryed adapters from VGA to DisplayPort and from VGA To HDMI and nothing seemed to work like displays says no signal. Tryed to restart with everything pluged in

Gpu Shows activated on device manager and is working properly otherwise i couldnt run the games like i do. All drivers from Nvidia are up to date.

I need to connect GPU and Display so i can acess nvidia control panel

What do you think is the problem guys?
Some adapters don't work, some work. I got VGA to DVI/HDMI working on my GPU but couldn't get display port working no matter what. Had to try three brands before it worked. I'm using something similar to this:

Also, it's about time to upgrade the monitor. Support for VGA is dropping fast. Get a cheap 1080p HDMI monitor for your next upgrade.