Can't Connect Old Laptop with WPS Router!


Dec 12, 2015
Hey Guys, I recently bought an Asus Eee PC 701 (Linux) and tried connecting it to the internet without success. The laptop only gives me the option to connect with WEP and WPA (My router is WPS) whether or not I use Wi-Fi or an Ethernet Cable. I was wondering if I were to buy an NETGEAR Wireless AC USB Mini Adapter (A6100) which is WPS, would I be able to connect to my NETGEAR Wireless AC1750 Dual-Band Gigabit Router (R6300)?

*this is my first time posting here*
I don't know of any router that does not have an option to use WEP or WPA, did you go to the router options and see what the WiFi connections are configured at.
If you connect over Ethernet (cable), WPS, WEP, WPA etc do not matter. YOu might have other problems if you cannot connect with cable.
Try temporary disabling security on your router to see whether you can connect (or go to a coffee shop / McDonalds with your laptop)