Can't connect to 5GHz network (W10)

Sep 12, 2017
I have recently encountered a problem connecting to my modem/router's 5GhZ network. I have been connected to it in the past on windows 10 but now my computer will find the network but will not complete the connection to it.

I first get the message "checking network requirements" and after some time it says "Can't connect to network". It doesn't tell me if the password is right or not, even if I type it wrong. I have other devices that are connected and working on the 5GhZ network, and my computer seems to work fine on the 2.4GhZ now.

I already tried to remove and install the drivers back and I also tried to use other drivers.
I tried to reboot the router/modem and set it to factory settings but it doesn't help.

My computer has an Netgear A6210 network adapter
My Modem/Router is a b-box3 from Proximus (dutch provider)
I am running Windows 10.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Already tried that. :/

ye, without any luck.