Can't customize DRAM voltage on Asus Z170-A


Jul 30, 2016
Platform details:
MB: Asus Z170-A (running v19.02 firmware)
CPU: i5 6600K (under a Hyper 212 EVO)
RAM: Corsair Vengeance LPX DDR4-3200 2x16GB kit

The UEFI self-configures to a BCLK of 103.0 MHz with a 41x CPU ratio. It boosts the CPU core to 1.400v, but it won't move the RAM off 1.2012v. Can't manually configure the RAM voltage in the UEFI. It shows only one XMP profile (the latencies and clock speeds it lists are correct) but the system refuses to boot when the profile is enabled. The voltage setting slider in Asus' "TPU" software can be changed, but the change never actually takes effect.

Any suggestions towards getting this system to boot with the correct DRAM clock speed is appreciated.

EDIT: corrected "XPS" to "XMP."
anort3, thank you for your quick response.

Switching to the only XMP profile listed in the UEFI (accidentally called it "XPS" in my OP) results in no post. I either warm- or cold-reboot after a thirty count. At that point, it will post, but it gives the "Overclocking failed! F1 to enter setup" message.

It's very similar to the issue discussed in the following thread, but no answer was given about the lack of voltage control:
Are you running the latest BIOS version for that board? Many of the later Z170 BIOS updates are for compatibility with the newer DDR4 that is coming out.

What's it defaulting to? 2133?
The UEFI firmware is v19.02; the most recent released by Asus.

The RAM did default to DDR4-2133, but with the BCLK auto-configured to 103 MHz, the system is reporting a RAM frequency of approximately 2197 MHz.
Looks like that BIOS version is only about a week old too... My thought is that your 16GB modules are just too new and either don't have full BIOS support for the board yet or are just incompatible with that board. I'm using ( GSkill TridentZ ) DDR4 3200 as well but only 2 x 8GB and my Gigabyte board didn't have any problems setting it to run at full speed and correct timings with XMP.

Maybe someone with that specific board can chime in with some useful advice.
Are you using the BIOS OCing or a software utility program? BCLK should be at 100 and CPU should be at stock. If wanting to OC the the CPU - do so manually, don't use these auto OC programs, they also OC everything else, which is also going to create more heat. Reset BIOS to defaults, raise the CPU multiplier to 41 and enable XMP and try. May need to increase vCore (CPU voltage) manually a bit

I was attempting to use both.

I've reset the machine to the bootable defaults, including a BCLK of 100.5 MHz and a CPU ratio of 39x. XMP settings still cause a lockup. I cannot manually configure the core voltage or the DRAM voltage. See the following paste for the available UEFI settings and their current config:

I'll be attempting the 41x ratio with my next reboot and return with the results.

EDIT: UEFI interface would not let me change the CPU ratio regardless of the "CPU Core Ratio" setting (Auto, Sync All Cores, or Per Core). Changing the ratio to 41x in the Asus TPU software and then rebooting resulted in no post. Warm reboot resulted in "Overclocking failed!" message during post.
First, let me thank you for your time, Tradesman1. I neglected to in my previous reply.

Regrettably, enabling XMP Profile #1 -- the only profile available -- did indeed reflect a setting of 1.3530v for the DRAM, but it was still not a configurable value. All other settings, including the latencies and DRAM frequency, reflected the correct SPD info. A further problem: the machine did not post.

If another paste of the UEFI settings with XMP enabled would provide any insight, please let me know.
I figured out my first problem: it's been so long since I worked with a modern BIOS/UEFI, I wasn't aware that non-enumerated settings can be typed in via the keyboard. Ignorance, thy name is me.

The UEFI changes a DRAM voltage setting of 1.35 to 1.3530. It also changes a VCCIO setting of 1.14 to 1.150. The machine boots with those settings successfully. However, attempting to enable XMP afterwards still fails to post.
Apologies for the delay. I have managed to configure the manual overclock. System seems to run stable at 4100 MHz with a 100 MHz BCLK, a 1.15v VCCIO, a 1.344v CPU voltage, a 1.3530v RAM voltage, and a 2133 MHz RAM frequency. However, core temps are sneaking over 80°C while stressing with Prime95.
1.35v CPU should get you to 4.6Ghz or better. It's what I'm using at 4.6. My temps won't go over 70c unless I run Prime 95 and Intel Burn Test at the same time. Hard to believe my Phanteks TC 14PE is that much better than the Hyper 212 Evo.
All depends on the individual CPU at a given voltage some CPUs might only hit 4.2 while others can run 4.7 or whatever 😉 Asus did some testing on a bunch of 4770s awhile back:

Skylake isn't Haswell. That variance almost doesn't exist anymore. Almost all of them will do 4.6Ghz. The really good ones will do 4.8Ghz.



I haven't seen that much of a difference, the article is interesting, but appears to be based on member input sending 'results' in it shows 6600K ave vCore 1.38, a bit high (and that's average for all?) higher on the 6700K. - so many didn't need near that much and conversely others had to go even higher. I haven't gone through a ton of them yet but already have seen a couple 66s and a 67 that topped at 4.4 with 1.35. We've seen here in the forums people hitting the wall at 4.3-4.4 with 1.35. I think Skylake is better but the same priciples apply. Also same with the MCs on individual CPUs, have seen many that will run a load of 3-3200 DRAM at stock, but many more need an OC of the CPU to do same - the odd thing is the ability to run DRAM vs the OCability varies far more than things looked on Haswell
First try didn't take. Going to try another configuration -- including manually setting the latencies -- but it won't be until Sunday. Thanks for all the help!

EDIT: Sorry for the delay. No new firmware since 19.02. Got the CPU temp-stable and sub-80°C lightly O.C.'d at 4.3 GHz with a core voltage of 1.255V. XMP still isn't working, and I haven't had the gumption to try and tune the RAM manually (any Windows lockup means I have to let my RAID arrays re-synch for more than eight hours).

Any last recommendations before I RMA the RAM?
By way of a thread bump and status update: I can't RMA the memory (past 30 day return) and it does seem to be holding the charge fine... But even manually setting the timings -- as recommended by ASUS support -- has made no difference. I'm thinking this is entirely a compatibility issue in the UEFI/BIOS. Has anyone had any success with this combination of MB and RAM kit?