[SOLVED] Cant Delete Folder Access Denied

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Aug 7, 2021

I recently tried to delete some folders and windows threw me an access denied.

I tried: https://www.infopackets.com/news/10...file-folder-system-cannot-find-file-specified


cd \
takeown /f "C:\Users\USER\Downloads\FOLDER" /r /d J >out.txt
icacls "C:\Users\USER\Downloads\FOLDER" /reset /T >out2.txt
rmdir /q /s "C:\Users\USER\Downloads\FOLDER"
echo this is a dummy line

still says no access.

When i do:
icacls.exe "C:\Users\USER\Downloads\FOLDER"
it says access denied.

i even created an administrator account like he said. still not working + now i dont know how to delete it again :S

I've googled and tried a lot.
any ideas?

many thanks in advance 👍
Is the name of your user account really USER and the name of the folder you want to delete FOLDER? Those names are usually used as examples.

Also, why did you include the line with "echo this is a dummy line"?
Is the name of your user account really USER and the name of the folder you want to delete FOLDER? Those names are usually used as examples.

Also, why did you include the line with "echo this is a dummy line"?

nah. i replaced them with my names.

idk. the post from this dude says so.
What is the contents of the files OUT.TXT and OUT2.TXT that the batch file should have produced in the root directory of your C: drive?

out - empty
out2 - 0 Dateien erfolgreich verarbeitet, bei 1 Dateien ist ein Verarbeitungsfehler aufgetreten.

its german so:
0 files processed successfully, a processing error occurred with 1 files.
Perhaps the line with takeown should look like this:
takeown /f "C:\Users\USER\Downloads\FOLDER" /r /d Y >out.txt

If you check the valid parameters for takeown by opening COMMAND PROMPT and typing TAKEOWN /? you will see what is expected after the /d switch. I understand you are using the German version of Windows, and J may seem to be correct. I am using the Swedish version, and we also use J for JA. The command however still expects Y for YES.
Perhaps the line with takeown should look like this:
takeown /f "C:\Users\USER\Downloads\FOLDER" /r /d Y >out.txt

If you check the valid parameters for takeown by opening COMMAND PROMPT and typing TAKEOWN /? you will see what is expected after the /d switch. I understand you are using the German version of Windows, and J may seem to be correct. I am using the Swedish version, and we also use J for JA. The command however still expects Y for YES.

I tried it already. If i write Y it gives me a syntax error. J works but sadly not fixing that problem because its not deleting.

i remember something i found a while ago. I was looking for a way to remove my old nvidia driver folders even if it didnt allowed me to.
Found some commands that deleted it folder by folder. If only i would find it again :S
Case closed!

tl;dr: Use IObit Unlocker

I searched hours for a solution but now i found this precious little program. Right click your problem unlock/delete. simple as that.
Just do me a favor and NEVER use it against windows related data.

The Cursed Folders:
My guess is Nahimic service of Windows was still using these folders. Saw it in IObit Unlocker.
With the Unlocker i could stop and delete it fast enough before Windows is restarting its service and blocking me from accessing.

The Administrator Account:
I had created an admin account via cmd to delete these folders without success.
I couldnt undo it because i have an upgraded version of Windows where you cant access the account control feature.
Later i found out there was a typo in the undo cmd command in the post i had it from.

net user administrator /active:yes

net user administrator /active: no < this gap was preventing me the next hour.

net user administrator /active:no

ps: thanks for trying to help Nigel
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I was going to suggest we try to remedy the actual problem instead of trying to fix the solution you had chosen. I now see this is what you have done, so congratulations.

Since the thread now is marked as solved (by you picking your own solution as best answer?), you may want to make a new thread about the problematic admin account.
I was going to suggest we try to remedy the actual problem instead of trying to fix the solution you had chosen. I now see this is what you have done, so congratulations.

Since the thread now is marked as solved (by you picking your own solution as best answer?), you may want to make a new thread about the problematic admin account.

oh. i thought it was the common way you handle threads. I added all i know to help the others or maybe find a better solution.
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