Can't Enjoy Games Anymore?


Aug 17, 2012
I'm not sure why this has happened, I used to have a shitty laptop which would barely play games from 2005.

Then I built my PC that can now max any game (not very well but regardless) so i'm able to play any game however I don't want to.

Does anybody else have this problem? I mean I went crazy last Nov when Skyrim came out to get it on PS3. Now I've got it on PC max settings etc, and I've only played it for 20 minutes in the last 5 months.

It can't be old age I'm only 18..

Same story with Assassins Creed 3. Played it for about 2-3 hours then stopped playing it completely.

I can't even finish a game anymore. What is happening LOL
You probably quit those games on your PS3 because you were bored of them. Adding a few visual improvements won't change the game play much. Perhaps you just need a new game to grab your attention.

Recent fun games I played on the PC, Dragon Age: Origins, Darksiders II, Dishonored, Batman AA and AC. (also Skyrim, but you seem bored of that too).

Also, if you play too much without going outside and doing other things, gaming can get boring.
I'll be 37 on Saturday and I actually play more than when I was a kid, but from approx 18 to 30 while I played, I didn't play that much, what with working and school and drinking and working and drinking and ummmm drinking. Whence I got my life in order and stable, I got back into it at a manic level. Honestly, without sounding like Dr Joyce Brothers, I think your 20s offer much more shock, awe, challenge, change, and suspence than any video game could offer, thus they may seem boring for a while.

ps: I was an english major, not a psych major, so feel free to toss my opinion into the toilet where it very well may belong! :pt1cable:
I have been having this problem lately too actually and now that school is starting it's the same thing for me! I don't have time, but when I do I just don't care...I played Assassin's Creed 3 for 3 hours and just stopped and don't care to finish.

Now I seem to waiting more for those games that I am a super fan of really. I was excited for Halo 4 and played that and enjoyed the whole thing, next up I am eagerly waiting for Crysis 3 and than the Tomb Raider reboot and The Last Of Us for ps3. That will some up the rest of the year for me and I just don't care after that.

I love graphics and can't wait to push my gaming pc but it now comes down to gameplay that's involved with the immersion that graphics offer.

I think games are getting to repetitive and if the story is bad it just makes the overall experience boring (Which were my thoughts on Assasin's Creed). When I was younger I didn't care as much about the story or repetitiveness but now it's a drag lol.
Perhaps there is nothing wrong with you at all. Perhaps the game you are playing just isn't for you and you aren't enjoying them (even though they are AAA titles). I played a lot of sports titles in the past and couldn't understand why I wasn't enjoying them or playing them (as I had always loved sports games). I thought perhaps I was tired of gaming. I switched from playing sports titles to mostly PC games (rpgs, open world, rogue-likes, fps, and strategy games). I have invigorated my love for gaming. I have completed most recently Far Cry 3, Legend of Grimrock, The Walking Dead, and close to beating XCOM. I am also dabbling with FTL (which is fantastic by the way).

Venture out and try some games in genres that you normally don't play and see what happens. You might find that you are missing some things.

Personally, I did get some enjoyment out of Skyrim, probably 40 hours of playtime, but I did get tired of it and never completed it. I found the combat to be really shallow and uninteresting.
every gamer has this. you will go through stages where games become less appealing. particularly in your early 20's to 30's. best you just move on and do something else instead of wasting good money on something your not enjoying.
take the opportunity to get out andd meet people. who knows it may lead to something...
i could say try this or that but the reality is your mind is subconsiously telling you , it wants more stimulation and that normaly points to your bio clock telling you its time to get a girlfriend... (you may have 1 i dont know, but it was like that for me and many other gaming mates).
I'm 23 and have noticed that I can't put in the long hours of gaming that I used to. I still love games though, and can't see myself every completely quitting them in my whole life. I see myself similar to a movie buff with games. I play all types, like games from every genre.

For me, buying a gaming PC really got me even more hooked. People say that graphics pale in comparison when it comes to gameplay and I have to agree. This doesn't mean that great graphics can't ENHANCE an already good game. BF3 on PC looks like a completely different game compared to it's console counterpart, and I would know because I once had it on PS3.

Skyrim is good, but really wasn't the masterpiece that Oblivion was for me. The PC mods give it some additional value, but the main and guild quests in Oblivion were just so much more engaging for me. Playing a different character build does breathe new life into a game like Skyrim, but trudging through the same quests does look old after awhile.

Some times when I get bored of gaming, I'll go back to and old game that I haven't played forever, or maybe an older great game that I missed. Also, like some have said you need to break up gaming with socializing in the real world or you will go insane.
HaHaHa...I got a kick out of the good ol' days thing. I don't mean to come off as making fun of your comment because I actually totally agree with you (really) but the good ol' days for me is the Atari 2600 and ColecoVision. Are you a big River Raid fan? How about Looping? Less we forget the orignal Pitfall and the very 1st game icon Pac-Man. Now those were the classics, and those were the disturbing images that made of my childhood! :lol:
I don't want to sound like a PC fanboy but you can't expect enough variety from console games. You can say what you want but most of the console games are so linear that it's borderline dumb. The next big game release for consoles looks just like another game that was released the year before with some twist here and there.
Your problem is probably the combination of two things:
1. You've been playing long enough to have tried every decent games in you favourite genres.
2. Your age (hopefully) have provided you with more intelligence, thus demanding more than just play a game that looked like the other game you played yesterday.

I have some advice for a different game experience:
Play multiplayer/Co-op games. The more the merrier.
Games that I play that gives me a good diversion from any normal games:

Civilization IV with or without mod. Best od IMO is Legends of Revolution. Civ IV is a great game that requires some tactical skills and you can play hot seat with friend or play online.

Battlefield 2 mod: Project reality. Have you ever wanted a little bit more intelligence and teamwork from you teammates in Battlefield? Try this mod. I guarantee you that you will have a great experience if you like the realism and teamwork in the Battlefield franchise. Almost all players uses mics and play the game for the effort of the team. Don't be scared off that this is a mod for BF2. The graphics are still very decent if you play the game maxed out with some AA. the high texture models that the modding team has provided are outstanding.

I do enjoy titles like Skyrim and Far Cry 3 but the two games above is something that always comes back to if I get bored of the games I currently play.
I currently am in the phase of not enjoying games like i used to. almost 25, have a steady girlfriend for 4 1/2 years, a 2 year old daughter and another on the way. So, not only do i not only have minimal time to play video games, when i do have time it usually turns out with me thinking of what game to play out of my library of games, and then choosing one that i think i will enjoy for a while then turns out i play for 20min and turn it off then start watching a movie instead.

lately though i have put in a decent amount of hours in to the WarZ only because i am currently working midnights at work and when im off i have nothing else to do at home but sit at my computer.

i think it all depends on what else is going on in your life at the moment. with me im sure if i was still single with no kids i would be spending more time playing games than anything else, but i gotta put priorities in order of family first and games last on the list. also i feel almost guilty sometimes when i sit for any longer than an hour playing a game, I always feel like i should be doing something else around the house even then there is nothing to do.

I do still however go to yearly LAN parties at minor competitions at college's and friends places. sadly my lack of playing has left my skills in just about any game next to worthless, but i still have fun.

i think if i had more time to play games, i would be able to get through an entire games story.

That's very subjective and biased. Man it's like saying everything on PC gaming can be resumed to Age of Empires, Crysis 2 and Battlefield 3. :non:

I don't think the system is the one giving you variety or not. The variety you get depends on how deep you do a research before buying a game, of course if the only thing I knew from consoles was Call of Duty or Madden because it's the only ones the whole Internet talk about, it would be pretty darn easy to say that a console is lacking in variety.
But no, and I can talk for hours and hours about variety and different experiences you can get from console games even from this generation which was very disappointing. (Since I have owned at least 2 consoles of each generation since I was born in the Sega Megadrive reign :B)

I have Civilization IV and love it to the point that I looked online and learned how to play Baba Yetu (the menu song) on the piano :pt1cable: And even I love it some much, it's boring only to think how long a campaign would take me to complete (Time that I sadly don't have) And that's a problem I rather play a linear game like Tony Hawk, Robotron64 or Final Fantasy for the sake of having fun than waste my time achieving nothing in a game like Minecraft or dedicate 3/4 of my life just to advance a millimeter in the mile in a huge game Age of Empires or any MMO(You name it). I would feel incredibly useless If I wasted that much time in just one game. But that's just me... :hello:

Anyways, returning to the conversation, in my opinion it's not about the hardware, the variety of the games you play, or intelligence you have. sscultima hit the nail in the head...
I think it all depends on what else is going on in your life at the moment. with me im sure if i was still single with no kids i would be spending more time playing games than anything else, but i gotta put priorities in order. I always feel like i should be doing something else around the house even then there is nothing to do.

There are just more important things to care about and most of times I can't ******* trick my subconscious just sitting there and playing games like if everything in my life was resolved. :pfff:


HA! Dude, those were great times! My dad said he had an Atari 2600, maybe he played those games! :B I have only played the original Pitfall emulated on the original XBOX, and of course PAC MAN. Hahahaha yeah there's nothing like removing the dust of that old TV in the night, hook up the Sega Megadrive, sit on the floor and play Golden Axe II untill it's to cold to keep playing. Ahhh... I thought I would never say this but, I really doubt kids growing up nowdays, raging and swearing online at Call of Duty will ever live experiences as pure as the ones you or me lived. :non:

Girls are wonderful and girls will always be wonderful, and I love girls will reach a point in life (mine was early 30s) when as much as you love girls, a good game of Skyrim can be just as rewarding. :lol:

im with ya on that one. As much as i love to spend time with my lady, sometimes nothing beats a good gaming session, and letting the woman go to sleep, lol.
I'm in pretty much your exact same position, I graduated high school last year and am in college and now can't really enjoy games like I used to. Before when was 14 or 15 I could play like 10-12 hours a day of TF2, L4D, Crysis, etc. but now that I'm in college I'm starting to enjoy real life more than games.
through college, i managed servers rather than played games, for my 2 years of college I hosted my own WoW server through vanilla and Burning crusade. i mainly did it just to be "in power" at first, then it expanded in to a hobbie, fixing bugs in the database, managing my website and so forth. it was expanding in to the point i no longer had time to play and was spending my spare time managing the server and trying to catch up on bugs. It got quite profitable at a point until it got too easy for anyone to set up a server.

anyway, got a bit off topic, the main thing was that I found something other than playing games to pass my time, i was expanding knowledge of SQL databases and helping others enjoy gaming instead of me playing. Even when i would want to jump in and play with others on the server I would get bored very quickly and same with other games, so again back to my post about Priorities. When something else like school, family or work take up a big part of your life it does get harder to find time to play games.

To add to bystander's list (which I completely agree with) Dark Souls is another game that just enthralled me, and continues to do so. I'm not sure if it's actually fun I'm having in that game, or simply enjoy the perseverance and promise of reward.

But to give you my opinion OP, sometimes games just get boring. If you're trying to force yourself to play them, you're never going to have any fun. Personally, sometimes I just have to put games down for a while to avoid spoiling my taste for them. When I come back, I usually have a renewed vigor to beat and enjoy them. Don't be afraid to just take time off from gaming. It's not like the games won't be there when you get back.

I've got a girlfriend and she sucks like a vacuum, but I don't think that's what it is.

Update: So a few days ago I decided to force myself to play Skyrim.

After about an hour I actually got into it, especially when I found a companion too (Faendal)

So I've been playing that about an hour a day and still am interested

Maybe there is hope after all..

Coincidence! I've got a vacuum and it sucks like your girlfriend! *rimshot* :pt1cable:
LOL. I've just realised what a douche I sound like after re-reading the first line in my last post.

I've noticed that I can play games that doesn't require any prep. As in short games like: League of Legends, No more room left in hell, compared to games which have a lot of depth in them e.g. Skyrim, oblivion, Assassins Creed etc.

Not sure why though.

I started to lose a little interest in gaming after I finished Dragon Age and Mass Effect series.

These are the type of games that I really enjoy. I liked that you can dictate the phase of the game by choosing your characters dialoge, personality and decisions. Also the NPCs are very dynamic and react on how you play and the idea that your decisions and character are carried over to the next game really blew my mind.

I never knew that these types of features are even possible in a game until I played these games. So after I finshed all these, Im trying to look for the same type of experience in other games. All the recent RPGs released didnt satisfy me anymore. The Witcher 2 is the only game that came close.

I still play recent titles but only if I have time. Unlike when Im playing DA or ME where I really alot time in order to play.

Now Im just looking forward to Dragon Age 3 and the next Mass Effect. I really hope that they make more games like this.

Imagine if you have the gameplay of Mass Effect and the space sim features of Freelancer or Dragon Age combined with the gameplay of Pirates. Those are the type of games im dreaming about..LOL