Mahisse :
I don't want to sound like a PC fanboy but you can't expect enough variety from console games. You can say what you want but most of the console games are so linear that it's borderline dumb. The next big game release for consoles looks just like another game that was released the year before with some twist here and there.
Your problem is probably the combination of two things:
1. You've been playing long enough to have tried every decent games in you favourite genres.
2. Your age (hopefully) have provided you with more intelligence, thus demanding more than just play a game that looked like the other game you played yesterday.
I have some advice for a different game experience:
Play multiplayer/Co-op games. The more the merrier.
Games that I play that gives me a good diversion from any normal games:
Civilization IV with or without mod. Best od IMO is Legends of Revolution. Civ IV is a great game that requires some tactical skills and you can play hot seat with friend or play online.
Battlefield 2 mod: Project reality. Have you ever wanted a little bit more intelligence and teamwork from you teammates in Battlefield? Try this mod. I guarantee you that you will have a great experience if you like the realism and teamwork in the Battlefield franchise. Almost all players uses mics and play the game for the effort of the team. Don't be scared off that this is a mod for BF2. The graphics are still very decent if you play the game maxed out with some AA. the high texture models that the modding team has provided are outstanding.
I do enjoy titles like Skyrim and Far Cry 3 but the two games above is something that always comes back to if I get bored of the games I currently play.
That's very subjective and biased. Man it's like saying everything on PC gaming can be resumed to Age of Empires, Crysis 2 and Battlefield 3.
I don't think the system is the one giving you variety or not. The variety you get depends on how deep you do a research before buying a game, of course if the only thing I knew from consoles was Call of Duty or Madden because it's the only ones the whole Internet talk about, it would be pretty darn easy to say that a console is lacking in variety.
But no, and I can talk for hours and hours about variety and different experiences you can get from console games even from this generation which was very disappointing. (Since I have owned at least 2 consoles of each generation since I was born in the Sega Megadrive reign :B)
I have Civilization IV and love it to the point that I looked online and learned how to play Baba Yetu (the menu song) on the piano

And even I love it some much, it's boring only to think how long a campaign would take me to complete (Time that I sadly don't have) And that's a problem I rather play a linear game like Tony Hawk, Robotron64 or Final Fantasy for the sake of having fun than waste my time achieving nothing in a game like Minecraft or dedicate 3/4 of my life just to advance a millimeter in the mile in a huge game Age of Empires or any MMO(You name it). I would feel incredibly useless If I wasted that much time in just one game. But that's just me...
Anyways, returning to the conversation, in my opinion it's not about the hardware, the variety of the games you play, or intelligence you have.
sscultima hit the nail in the head...
I think it all depends on what else is going on in your life at the moment. with me im sure if i was still single with no kids i would be spending more time playing games than anything else, but i gotta put priorities in order. I always feel like i should be doing something else around the house even then there is nothing to do.
There are just more important things to care about and most of times I can't ******* trick my subconscious just sitting there and playing games like if everything in my life was resolved.