Can't figure out the problem!


Jul 12, 2013
Cleaned tower and now i'm pulling my hair out cause my pc won't connect to monitor/tv
Hey guys,
So my story starts this morning my pc was caked in dust so i stripped the whole thing and cleaned it out with compressed air can when putting it back together i regrettably bent some of the pins on the pcb fan, with a few hours swet and a credit card and tweezers i straightened them all up, put it all back together, now when i switch it on everything works all green lights all fans come on including the one on the graphics card, but no matter what i do it wont connect to any monitor i have tried different vga cables, attempted it with two monitors and one tv but i just get the no signal message

Thanks any help will be greatfull! Want a gaming night lol
I've always heard that one should not use compressed air to clean dust from a PC. Hopefully that is not the source of your problem, but even if it isn't, I would not recommend doing that in the future.

So you bent pins on the pcb fan? I'm not sure I understand what you mean by this. The pcb doesn't really have its own fans, though fans are attached to it... do you mean the connection on the pcb that provides power to the chassis/cpu fans?

Does your processor have integrated graphics? If so, plug a monitor into the motherboard's VGA or DVI output and see if your system boots. If so, there's likely an error with your GPU.

In which case I would check to see that the GPU is fully seated in the PCIe slot (the plastic notch on the right end should be locked in place). Did you maybe forget to plug the 6 pin power connectors back into the GPU (make sure the plastic release went "click")?
Only one vga slot and that is to the graphics card i have checked all of the components are clicked in correctly. The pins are on a removable fan which is attached to the pcb internally in the tower and they are what i bent