M MuddyMom Reputable Jun 27, 2014 1 0 4,510 Jun 27, 2014 #1 Just set up my new router. My Apple products show both networks available, but my Compaq, Wii, and android phone don't show the 5GHz network. The 2.4GHz shows and connects without any problem but isn't fast enough for watching shows.
Just set up my new router. My Apple products show both networks available, but my Compaq, Wii, and android phone don't show the 5GHz network. The 2.4GHz shows and connects without any problem but isn't fast enough for watching shows.
J jfreggie2 Honorable Sep 16, 2013 150 0 10,760 Jun 27, 2014 #2 Probably means that your Compaq, Wii and droid don't operate in the 5GHz band... Upvote 1 Downvote