Can't find my 2nd HD in Windows 2000


Dec 31, 2007
I've looked through numerous posts on this site but it looks as though I'm the only one to encounter this problem:
I installed 2000 on a new HD and made a second partition on it. The first partition is still FAT32 and the other partition it NTFS. My old HD is NTFS but I don't see a drive letter for it. If I go into device manager and look under "disk drives" my old disk is listed there. Both drives are IDE but since I'm using an Asus A7V board with the promise controller it lists my drives as SCSI. What can I do to get access to this drive?
Have you loaded the driver for your controller?

😎 <font color=blue> I know nothing that is why i am here at THG!</font color=blue>
When I went to disk management I realized that my second partition was called (unallocated), so I had to set the partition as a logical extended drive. What I previously thought was my second partition was actually my second HD. So, my second HD was recognized (stupid me) and it was my second partition on my first drive that was not recognized.
It's the simple stuff that kills you. Good job!

😎 <font color=blue> I know nothing that is why i am here at THG!</font color=blue>
win2k can do some silly things
i remember i got a bit confused about my drives...
had 2 drives, 40gig and 16gig
and i partitioned the 40gig into 5gig and 35gig.
well instead of being logical and making:
C: 5gig
D: 35gig
E: 16gig
it had the 35gig and the 16gig the other way around... as i was new to win2k it took me some time to work out how to swap them

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