Can't finish putting together the colored wires

TheRyuuseigun 1

Aug 13, 2014
The thing is my case only has 3 wires which are reset s w , power s w, and h dd led. Also i don't have a speaker that came with anything. Am i suppose to work with those three wires and do i have to go and buy a speaker to attach onto the motherboard?
there should be two wires for all of the front header cables. they should be marked. follow the wires see if there more taped or rubber banded up inside the case. look at the front of the case to see if the cables have fallen inside.
there should be 6 wires for those three plugs. (one side marked (+) and the other (-). on good cases. the case speakers now are extra part. on new and older pc they beep once for good post and if there a hardware failure they give out a beep code. today mb have more failure led on them now. asus has three for power/ram/cpu. some mb have dr debug post codes now. the removed the speaker to save few bucks per pc.

My case didn't come with those 6 wires instead i got 3 is there anything i can do?