Can't fit 8-pin connector into new graphics card


Oct 31, 2017
I'm trying to connect a new graphics card to my system, I've got a 6+2 pin connector and 8 pin connector. The 6 pin part of the 6+2 plugs in fine into the old card, I'm just trying to plug in the whole 6+2 into the 8 pin receiver of the new card.
(I'm not experienced in this at all btw)
Both the 6+2 and 8 pin connectors have the same configuration of arch and square shaped holes, but the new card has a different configuration.

You should be fine valkjrye but if youre still not 100% sure, keep watching youtube guides or post a close up photo.

Free pic uploading service if need
Ooh wait, the bit on plastic in the connector that secures the cable, does that need to go all the way over the metal wedge so that the plastic is sitting behind the wedge? Or just on top of the wedge? Right now the plastic is on top of the wedge.

Wow im bad at explaining things, also inexperienced haha
Ah by click I meant the plastic tab isn't going over the metal tab, not the sound, would it be a problem if ran the card without clicking the tab over the metal?