Can't fit Hyper Evo 212

I'm struggling to visualize what you are describing. What keeps moving up? When you talk about it being over the metal part and covering the whole cpu, I'm not sure what your problem is. The air cooler is supposed to cover the whole cpu. Do you mean to say it's interfering with the RAM module? That is sometimes an issue with that cooler. If you are using two ram sticks, move them to slots 2 and 4 instead of 1 and 3. Mischief managed.

Why is it moving at all? Did you use your thermal paste? Did you screw the cooler master down?

Yeah, they are the only four holes around the CPU and the bracket on the back mounted just fine. It just the front one thats pushing it forward. It goes over the metal part around the CPU.
then you most likely didnt put the screws through the correct hole, since you can actually move teh screw bits in sorta tiny notches,
if you put them in the right notch(i believe its the middle), it should not move, assuming all 4 are in teh right position
since the socket/cpu is identical across motherboards, only issue could be if you placed a screw wrong on the front/top bracket/turned teh bracket wrong, or if you for some reason got a mounting bracket that was out of specification dimensions,, which doesnt seem likely

This is the video I was going to upload.

Marko_Slb there's probably not much more that can be described, unless you upload a video of yourself doing the install, so us armchair experts can critique it.

I can't fix it today since I don't have anymore time, I guess I will have to buy something to clean the thermal paste with since it will probably be dry by morning and retry then again. I'll try to take a recording somehow incase I get it wrong. I didn't think it would take this long .

You see it overlaping a bit