I'm trying to overclock my CPU to 5ghz. But I've turned off the power saving features, set the volt to 1.46, set the llc to 75%, and left the HTC LINK and NB on auto.
Please help.
AMD FX 9590
Gigabye GA-970A-UD3P
Corsair 760i
As mentioned above the motherboard doesn't even support that cpu. The 9590 is just a factory oc'd 8350(probably why it even posts on that board) so it may not even be capable of going higher on a supported board. The was a video on youtube showing a 970 krait(also doesn't support the 9590) catching fire running a 9590, but it looks like it was made private.
theres only a hand full of boards that are revised / built to truly handle the 220w chips like the gigabyte 990fx ud3 just the revision 4 supports the 220w chips.. the revision 1- 2- 3 of that same board do not