Can't get FM signal on Bose Wave AM/FM radio

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Oct 17, 2015
I have a cheap RCA clock radio that picks up FM signals but I can't get FM on an expensive Bose AM/FM Wave radio! Its sitting right next to the cheap one but no FM! What's up with that? I have not purchased an external antenna but the cheapie radio doesn't have one so why would I need one on the more expensive unit? And why does FM come in great on car radios but not on the Bose inside a house?

My Bose Wave (15+ years old?) picks up FM just fine. No external antenna needed.

EDIT: I just went upstairs and looked. There is a jack for a 75 ohm external antenna, but in all the locations this has been used, it has not been needed.
6 different houses, 2 states (Ohio and Virginia)
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