I have the q6600 GO stepping and the gigabyte P35-S3L mobo...I have my cpu at 3.0Ghz 334x9 atm and its absolutely perfectly stable with temps in the 50s during load and low 30s at idle. I have the ZEROtherm Nirvana hsf and good airflow in my case with MX-2 thermal Paste. Temperatures are really not the issue. However, no matter what I do I can't even get 3.2ghz to be stable enough to stay in windows for more than a few minutes, It just restarts. This leads me to beleive that its the memory. I have 4x1gig of GEIL DDR2 800 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820144062 I've tried underclocking the memory and changing the voltage (these are rated from 1.9 to 2.3v) and should be run at 4-4-4-12 according to their description...however i've tried loosening the settings but still If it even will make it to windows, it will restart soon after. I've tried raising the CPU voltage up even past 1.4 and it doesn't matter. I run 3.0ghz on stock voltage with 0 problems. If anyone has any suggestions that would be great, I also use vista 32bit if that makes any difference however I can dual boot into xp pro. thanks