Can't get to POST with new Mother Board with HDD connected


Feb 25, 2013

I just bought an AsRock FM2A55M and installed it. After that, Windows XP didn't start (BSOD), so I thought I would have to reinstall. I wanted to try something first, though, so I disabled AHCI and selected IDE (kowing that usually that solves the problem). In the process I also enabled fast boot.

After that, I tried again with the same BSOD result. I started openSUSE (which worked), then one last try in windows safe mode. It worked, but couldn't install drivers. So I decided I should just reinstall windows and end with all this. So I restarted again and then my computer just got stuck at the AsRock splash screen.

I tried disconnecting things to get to the cause and it appears to be the HDD (i.e. it works without HDD, but obviously can't boot anything). My question is... can it be damaged all of the sudden? It was working literally a couple of seconds before, so I don't know how could it stop working.

Also, when I turn on the computer the HDD makes that sound it does when it's been read.

Any ideas?

Edit: I forgot to say that I returned everything in the setup to default (AHCI, Fast Boot disabled etc.) first manually, then via the "Load UEFI defaults" option, so I don't think that has anything to do with it...
With a new mobo, I would look at two things:
1) Possible memory issues - try with one stick, if it fails, remove that stick and insert the other
2) Possible motherboard issues.

I just built a computer for my wife, had the exact same situation - it was bad memory. I exchanged the memory, and it works great.
Possible, but doesn't happen like that a lot. Can I ask why you replaced the mobo? If you were having a problem that you thought was the mobo, could have really been the HDD dying.

Also, did you change chipsets when changing mobos? That usually is a straight-to-reinstall situation that requires a new copy of windows since 7 and earlier are tied to the original mobo.
Everything was working fine, it was just an old intel D processor and upgraded to an A8 5600K (which made me buy a new MoBo). I didn't have any problems whatsoever with the old motherboard or the HDD. Also, the HDD is relatively new (a year and a half, or so).

Changed the RAM, and it didn't work.

My primary concern is why it happened all of a sudden @.@... I'm currently re-plugging the old MoBo, I'll tell you what happens...

HDD was read without problems in the old MoBo (which is a relief, since I don't have many backups). I will reconnect the new one and try again (I'll use the sata connector where the DVD drive is... maybe could be that?)... In case it doesn't work, what could cause an HDD to stop working on a MoBo all of a sudden? XD

Didn't work. I can't help but think I changed something that made it stop working, but I have't had any luck changing things on the BIOS setup. Sometimes I think I'm a debugger for the hardware world x_x
The reason I point to the memory - you stated that it booted to openSUSE and Windows XP safe mode. You also mentioned it locked on the BIOS splash screen (this is when it tests memory).

Your mobo also supports "internet flash" of your BIOS (I have an ASRock mobo - this was the first thing I did). I am not sure that will fix the problem, but it couldn't hurt.

If the drive is working on the old CPU, I would say the drive is fine. Have you run MEMTEST ( ) on the RAM?
While waiting for answers I did the Internet Flash option and it still doesn't work. I don't think is the memory, because I can run openSUSE live DVD without problems (which means the RAM is working fine).

I think it booted in safe mode because it didn't load the drivers I needed to install (As J_E_D mentioned, it's a common thing to reinstall windows after changing MoBo, in my experience).
With my wife's build - I ran Ubuntu from the CDROM and it was operational for 1 1/2 hours (searching on internet, running tests etc...). Went to install windows - it would get to various parts of the installation - but never completed - always BSOD.

Never failed on the POST, didn't fail memory tests, ran everything but Windows 7 - installation or normal boot.

I removed one of the RAM sticks, it went a bit further, but still failed. I switched RAM sticks (I had purchased 2 X 4GB RAM), and put it in the second RAM slot, and it installed Windows and ran fine for 1 1/2 days.

To verify this, I switched the RAM back around, and BSOD after BSOD. Switched them again, and it worked fine. It never failed with Ubuntu, or memory tests - only Windows.

I then removed the RAM, returned to the store, exchanged the RAM, and installed the 2 X 4GB kit in the PC - and no problems. Her computer has now been running BSOD free for 2 weeks.
But my problem is not windows, my problem is I can't pass the splash screen...

I selected to not display logo on the setup (where I can't go unless I have the HDD disconnected), and now I can see text: american megatrends, then bios version. If I have the HDD connected it hangs there (a 99 appears at the bottom right), if I have it disconnected it goes on and lists the MoBo model and then runs memtests and lists SATA drives (only the DVD). I have tried disconnecting the DVD and using only the HDD, but that doesn't work either.

This was your original message....differnt from what you just said. You mentioned BSOD, Windows won't load - but safe mode and openSUSE does.

This is your last post....I am lost. Your second issue appears to be an issue detecting the hard drive
Have you installed the new motherboard drivers? if you are going from Intel to AMD, you cannot jut change the motherboard without any preparation....

I just upgraded a friends motherboard and CPU from an ASUS P5Q to an Asrock Z77 but before I did anything, I installed the new Z77 SATA an chipset drivers. Then changed the mobo and it all worked great.

Another friend upgraded his CPU from a 2500k to a 3770k with an Antec Kuhler 620 and it wouldn't POST. Had to put the old CPU in and change a bios setting to ignore the CPU FAN and then it worked.

This may all be useless info, but after 6 hours and raw fingertips, maybe this will help someone...
I was just saying all of what I did that may have influenced the problem (since it was working fine, then it stopped working at all), I'm sorry if I was unclear, English is not my native language.

@Pezonator - it doesn't matter, I want to reinstall windows, I just can't get the motherboard to pass POST so I can't install anything (if it's not clear yet, I can pass POST with the DVD only just fine, but can't when the HDD is connected)
You stated earlier that the drive worked fine in the old mobo/cpu - is that still the case? Typically, when it is hanging like you described, there is an issue with the bios communicating with the drive (i.e. SMART could be detecting an issue).

Try the drive manufacturer's website - they often have diagnostic software, and if the old mobo/cpu work - run the tests there.

You might need to create a boot CD (like Hiram's Boot CD -

This has a lot of diagnostic tools on it to test your drive.
Yes, it works on the other MoBo. And it was working on this MoBo for at least half an hour.

I will try to run those tests after I replace the MoBo again x_x

By the way I think SMART is turned off...
SMART is off, and I even tried clearing CMOS now. Should I just assume the mobo is faulty (got faulty?) and try to get my warranty? I was thinking of trying with another HDD, but I can't do that until wednesday...

I really don't get how can this happen... could the POST codes help? I get an A3, then A2, then 99, and no more. The HDD makes sounds during this process, then silence.

I just realized after that, the HDD led stays on, but dim. Could this mean something? Anyone ;__;?

I tried another HDD (250GB) and it got pass post without any problem. When I connected mine (even if that was connected) it still didn't work.

I would really just try to get a new blank HDD, but the fact that I'm using it right now to load Windows and write this makes me think the problem lies on some kind of compatibility that stopped working in a way I really don't know, not in the components.

Now I can't return the mobo because I have confirmed it works with another hard drive, can't get a new mobo because I don't know if the incompatibility lies on my HDD, and can't get a new HDD because I don't know the cause of the incompatibility (specially because it worked for more than half an hour at the beginning).

I think I have to keep trying ideas until it works... but I'm out of them now, any help would be greatly appreciated ;__;

Sorry to flood, but I want to bump this, I think I'm going insane.
Seagate Barracuda 7200.12 (1TB), bought almost a year ago only. I'm currently performing the long test (takes almost three hours). Will report back, but I doubt we can get a clue...
All checked and completed without error. I'm officially out of ideas of what can it be. Every time I think of a possibility I remember that it worked before, and stopped working suddenly... I should become a beta tester of hardware, I guess...
With my wife's build, I had added a new CPU, mobo, RAM and PSU. I used the old hard drive, DVD and case. I swore at the build for about 8 hours, updating the BIOS, changing settings in the BIOS, running diagnostics (which never failed), and still couldn't load Windows - while Ubuntu worked fine.

Finally pulled one of the RAM sticks, and failure. After swapping them again, everything worked. The store I purchased them from had tested them prior to me leaving the store and stated they were good, and since no diagnostic test would fail them, I couldn't figure it out.

Put more thought into your problems - the variables look to be the SATA connector on the mobo (try different slots), the SATA cable, the power cable (try a different power cable run - usually have two different strings of cable with SATA power connectors), and the hard drive. I am puzzled that one drive would work, and the other not.

In trouble shooting, the trick is to eliminate all variables, no matter how unlikely the variable is, and what is left is the probable cause. Sometimes it is more difficult than others to identify the problem...always good to have spare parts around for testing purposes - although not practical in all situations.

“Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.”

Arthur Conan Doyle, Sr. quotes (Scottish writer, creator of the detective Sherlock Holmes, 1859-1930)
Ok... I went for RMA today, and I got a new motherboard without much problem. I came home and installed everything again and...

The same problem happened. So I guess it _has_ to be the HDD... as it has no errors, now I think I would really like Mr. Holmes to be here to assist me...

I will have to buy a new HDD, apparently. Goodbye to my new monitor, I guess.
The HDD is going to be the easiest part to replace for testing.

If that is not the problem - you might want to look at the PSU - you mentioned you tried a 250GB HDD and it worked, but your drive that is "failing" I am assuming is larger, therefore it probably requires more power - either the PSU could be defective or the system is beyond the limits of the mentioned also the HDD power light was "dim"...could be an indication.

You can calculate the actual system requirements for a PSU at this site:

They suggest +10% extra power - I usually go 25-50% extra (I am always upgrading something....LOL). I would also suggest keeping with a known good brand name like Antec, Corsair or Seasonic (there are others, but these I highly recommend), and looking at PSUs with at least 80 Bronze Certified.

I purchase this PSU with most of my builds:
Minimum PSU Wattage: 166 W
Recommended PSU Wattage: 216 W

I have a 500W PSU, and because I will also use my old setup I also bought today (when I went to change the mobo) a new case and PSU (500W too). So it's not it being old.

Could that mobo not support a big HDD? If that's the case, how come it worked for some time?

It looks like I changed something on the HDD configuration (can one do that?!)... as this is coming I will have no choice but buying that new drive.