Can't handle the dump!

Jason Betts

Mar 16, 2014
Hi people! My main external hard drive was formatted accidentally and I used Recuva to get everything back. It did get everything back, but it put EVERYTHING in the root of my drive. My computer can't handle loading +100,000 items all at once so it's very hard to browse my stuff. Any ideas?
yes... that is common in recovery... file files are found but the folder structure is lost. Sorry, I have to help people with it all the time. The best way is to search the drive for the file types, then sort by age and copy the newest (that are relevant) into the new organization structure.

Thanks, but I don't see how this will help. I did pick the destination for the files. The problem is in deleting all the files the folder structure was lost. Before, I had all these files in folders and sub folders so it was easy for my computer to load everything, but now if I want to browse my stuff from that drive it is all concentrated in one big mess on the root of the drive. This makes browsing very difficult.
yes... that is common in recovery... file files are found but the folder structure is lost. Sorry, I have to help people with it all the time. The best way is to search the drive for the file types, then sort by age and copy the newest (that are relevant) into the new organization structure.