Can't install win7 on ssd


Apr 8, 2017
So my friend called me to see if i could help with his problem. He had a virus on his HDD and wanted to do a fresh install of Windows 7 on his new SSD.
He plugged in the SSD but the Windows 7 setup does not recognise the SSD. It doesn't even show the HDD where Win 7 is installed on.

I told him he might had to format his SSD first, or atleast make a partition on the SSD... So I did that, booted Win 7 setup again but it's still not possible to install Win 7.

Bios recognises the SSD and Win 7 does too, when I go to "My Computer", both the HDD and SSD are there...

What could be the problem here? We googled for lots of issues about this problem but none of them really helped.

We tried tweaking a bit in bios but that didn't work...

This thread led me here: