Can't install Win7 to a new SSD


Jul 13, 2013
I have a brand new PNY 240GB SSD and a Win7 copy on a CD. ( BIOS does recognize the SSD )

When i set AHCI mode on and only the SSD is connected to the PC, ( DVD 1st boot device) it gives me "select a proper boot device..."

I managed to use AOMEI partition assistant and made a clone to my SSD and followed the instructions but when it loads up the windows files after the possibility to enter BIOS it stops and tries to restart again and gives a error that something was wrong and may be because hardware change .

I also have a copy of Win7 on a USB and tried to use the Windoes 7 USB DVD download tool and that says the selected ISO. file is not a valid ISO. file

Help please...
I tried same, ran the DVD (original) but without SP1. Then found out that Windows 7 will not load without SP1. Had Microsoft send SP1 disk update (their choice) but through some effort got Win 7, without SP1 loaded then ran the update. All work, so far, but I do have another minor problem that still needs sorting out. As info, the ssd is a Crucial M500 and it is clear now, Win 7 less SP1 on the disk will not load (unless you do gyrations and not the best way).
"I managed to use AOMEI partition assistant and made a clone to my SSD"

Why are you partitioning your SSD? What exactly are you cloning to the SSD? You shouldn't do anything to the SSD, just boot up the Windows install disc and let it install. If there are any existing partitions on the SSD, delete them early in the Windows installation and let Windows install itself to an empty disk.
I tried same, ran the DVD (original) but without SP1. Then found out that Windows 7 will not load without SP1. Had Microsoft send SP1 disk update (their choice) but through some effort got Win 7, without SP1 loaded then ran the update. All work, so far, but I do have another minor problem that still needs sorting out. As info, the ssd is a Crucial M500 and it is clear now, Win 7 less SP1 on the disk will not load (unless you do gyrations and not the best way).
Problem was that windows wasn't extracted all the way on my CD/USB, sorry for late answer but had problems installing network... I got windows installed on a 100% empty SSD.

Now i have another problem, after over 1GB of windows updates with this poor connection i got, i can't install any drivers for my GTX 760.
I tried the CD that came with it trying to "install display driver" and all it says is: "The graphic driver could not find compatible graphics hardware"
nVidia website doesn't auto detect it either... oh and i can't install ge experience.

Update: After manually downloading the right drivers still same problem.

Update 2: After even more windows updates, I shut down the PC and reseated the GPU and now it pick ups the signal when putting the DVI on it!
And nVdias softwares are now letting me update!