Can't Install Windows 8.1


Jun 29, 2014
Right. I recently just built a new PC and it's my first time. Everything works and it looks to be fine. So I go ahead and put in my windows 8.1 Installation 64 bit disc in. Before we move on Here is the list of my specs:

- Asus Sabertooth 990FX R2.0
- AMD 9590 8-core Processor
- MSi GTX 770
- 8 GB Ram (DDR3 1866MHz)
- Corsair RM 850W
- 2x 1.5 TB HHD
- Samsung 840 Pro 128 GB (Where I install windows)
- Sound Blaster Audigy FX

As you can see, I doubt something is wrong with my system specs. Once the disk is inserted, I proceed with a normal installation, Install Windows, and restart my system. Once restarted I am greeted with a warm, Getting devices ready. Then, the spin wheel stops about 10 seconds after and wont budge. I do end up turning off the system and rebooting it seeing if something went wrong. It brings me to the, windows didn't boot properly, please restart your system. And repeat. This traps me in this endless circle and I can't escape. It's really a shame because I just got Wolfenstein and Crysis 3.

Any help is appreciated.

Thank you!
Check all your motherboard devices, whether they are seated/fixed properly. Try to reseat/refix the components. I think it's a hardware/driver issue.
Sounds like Setup having difficulty with a Hardware Driver. 1st check everything is seated properly, reseat RAM sticks and GPU to make sure no bad connections. Then, boot from your disk and to ensure a 'clean' start use Drive Options (Advanced) at the 'Where do you want to Install Windows' Screen by deleting all partitions till you have only 'Unallocated Space' to install to. Allow Setup to create all necessary partitions for you. Hopefully it will do well this time, if not you'll have to do some more diagnostics...
It worked! What I actually did was instead of installing windows on the ssd. I tried to put it on one of my hdds and it ended up working. But thank you any ways for giving me solutions. Have a nice day!