Can't install Windows, Format Error 0x80070057


Jun 27, 2014
So I was having problems with windows (various BSODS like kernel_data_inpage_error and bad_system_config_info) so I tried reinstalling windows 8 using a USB. I deleted all the partitions, created a new one and tried installing it, but the error "Windows Could Not Format a Partition on Disk 0" with the code 0x80070057 kept showing up.

So I went into command prompt and used the diskpart command to try and format it from there. When I tried cleaning it, it said "DiskPart has encountered an error: The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error". I don't know why but when I changed the boot order in bios and put Hard disk at the top it was able to run the clean command successfully. Then I did "format fs=ntfs" and after a full day it was still at 0%.

I doubt it's a failing hard drive because this is the third hard drive that I've used because of BSOD errors. I even replaced the ram but there were still problems. Now I can't even install windows.

It could be the motherboard but I'm convinced that it might be some other component. Right now I am just trying to find a way to install windows, but if worse comes to worse then I guess I will have to replace the motherboard.