Hi guys
Last night my pc was wOrting fine but everything was a bit messy and running slow so I decided to reinstall windows. By doing this I had winows 10 on a usb and I booted from the USB and started the setup installation. When selecting which drive to select to install too, I deleted my m.2 ssd and all the partitions with it and then selected 'new' which created a new partition and instead windows.
Once the setup completes I get this message:
The conputwr retarted unexpectedly or encountered an unexpected error, Windows installation can not proceed, click OK to restart the computer, and then restart the computer"
There are no other options so I restart the computer and this happens
A blue screen saying my pc ran into a problem, WHEA UNCORRECTABLE ERROR.
My M.2 light is on so it has power and all, I can't see any other problems.
I have reset my bios, ive done so many things and nothing seems to work, please help.me.out.
I7 6600k
Asus z170-AR
16gb Corsair 2666
GTX 1070
2tb seagate
256gb m.2 intel 600p
EVGA gold 650w
Update: I got to the windows boot selecter, I can select windows 10 volume 5, then I get the same errors
Update 2: I opened regedit when the error came up, HKLocal machine/SYSTEM/SETUP/STATUS/ChildCompletion, and after highliting childcompletion, I opened up setup.exe and changed the number to 3, which got me to the network selection in Windows setup and options then I get the error:
Windows could not install, restart the installation
Last night my pc was wOrting fine but everything was a bit messy and running slow so I decided to reinstall windows. By doing this I had winows 10 on a usb and I booted from the USB and started the setup installation. When selecting which drive to select to install too, I deleted my m.2 ssd and all the partitions with it and then selected 'new' which created a new partition and instead windows.
Once the setup completes I get this message:
The conputwr retarted unexpectedly or encountered an unexpected error, Windows installation can not proceed, click OK to restart the computer, and then restart the computer"
There are no other options so I restart the computer and this happens
A blue screen saying my pc ran into a problem, WHEA UNCORRECTABLE ERROR.
My M.2 light is on so it has power and all, I can't see any other problems.
I have reset my bios, ive done so many things and nothing seems to work, please help.me.out.
I7 6600k
Asus z170-AR
16gb Corsair 2666
GTX 1070
2tb seagate
256gb m.2 intel 600p
EVGA gold 650w
Update: I got to the windows boot selecter, I can select windows 10 volume 5, then I get the same errors
Update 2: I opened regedit when the error came up, HKLocal machine/SYSTEM/SETUP/STATUS/ChildCompletion, and after highliting childcompletion, I opened up setup.exe and changed the number to 3, which got me to the network selection in Windows setup and options then I get the error:
Windows could not install, restart the installation