Alright so, here's the thing.... I got a stock lenovo pc for a birthday a couple years back (over 4 years) and after the MoBo fried I had to build a new pc but I kept (for some reason I can't remember the name of it but whatever stores all your downloads files etc.) so I had windows 7 from the previous computer. After a while it said it was not genuine so I couldn't get any upgrades or anything of that nature but I mean, it WAS genuine I did not pirate it lol. Anyway today I tried a cracked version of windows 7 to try and make it genuine and for some reason it didn't work... I'm really tired of having this issue and I guess I'm making this post to see what you guys would do :/. should I try and call windows are resolve it? do you think they would believe me? Should I try to get genuine from the cracked version to upgrade? I appreciate the help and please don't leave negative comments telling me I pirated when I do not condone pirating at all.