Can't move my Movies-Folder back to original location


Apr 10, 2016

I recently built me a new computer and the storage I've been using is a 500 GB SSD and a 2TB mechanical hard drive. I installed the OS on the SSD because I want everyting to be nice and smooth, and the SSD is also where I am going to keep my games. Therefore I thought that I would change my document, images, music etc.-folders to the 2TB mechanical hard drive to clear up some space for games on the SSD. In the process of moving the folders to the 2TB drive I accidentally dirceted My movies to be the entire hard drive and not just the specific folder on the hard drive. When I try to move it back to the folder it was supposed to go to it simply says: "You can not direct from parent to subordinate. The specified path is invalid".

So I try to click the button that says "Reset standard values" But when I try to apply it says: "Unable to create list of normal subdirectories under E:\System Volume Information. Access Denied."

I tried whats stated in this thread:

But it has not worked yet. Does anyone know a way to reset the folder to the C:\ Drive or to move it to another folder than to be the head of the entire hard drive?

Sorry if this text doesn't makes sense, I am not good with either english or computers.

So you redirected "My movies" to D:\ and now you want it to redirect to D:\movies. Is that right?

Try this: redirect "My movies" to D:\movies , but when asked to move files, respond "No".
Then move your movie files manually to D:\movies folder.