Cant overclock cpu?


Jul 26, 2016
I have a i5 6600k and im trying to overclock it to 4.2 GHz with 1.25 voltz but it gives me this error message. "System has expierinced a boot failure possibly due to an incorrect configuration. Previous setting in bios may not be compatible with current hardware state." My motherboard is a Gigabyte Z-170 HD3 DDR3 and i have a 500 wattt power supply. My guess is that i need a better power supply which i will eventually get when i get a graphics card

Yeah my psu definitely isn't "quality" in any way. It says its 500 watts, but it probably isn't even close to that. Does overclocking even take up much more power when you do it?
No, light OCing does not take that "much more power." A 500W PSU is definitely enough for the vast majority of builds. I'm running at 6600k as well and OCing the base to 4.2Ghz is a pretty light overclock. Just increase your voltage like HeeBee suggested and it should hit 4.2Ghz easily

it doesn't even have a brand and i heard off brand psu's lie about the watts a lot. It came in my old pc i got from best buy

Yea i have tried the 1.3v, now my only guess as to what it could be is my ram. I have a kingston hyper x FURY 8gb 1866MHz and a 8gb stick that i dont even know what it is because it is from my old pc.