Cant Pick MotherBoard


Dec 9, 2017
Ok so I am planning on getting a new mother board because my old one is crappy and Intergrated, I want to buy the motherboard and then in the future get a gtx 1060 6gb, I am new to all this and wanted to ask if all my stuff would fit, and which motherboard I should get.
Cpu: AMD A8-6600K APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics 3.90GHz
Ram: 16GB
Current MotherBoard: gigabyte motherboard f2a78m-hd2
500watt Pc
Don't waste your money on anything with your current CPU. You will just be disappointed. Until you can afford to purchase a new motherboard, CPU and RAM. Don't bother. You are on a dead-end CPU/motherboard path.
Agree: there's little point in updating an outdated board by itself. If you stick with AMD, a new AM4/Ryzen platform brings support for a whole bunch of new tech (some of which were only available on Intel for a while). Regardless of what the next build you choose is (AMD/Intel), it'll have far greater capabilities than anything you could build from that generation of AMD tech.

Yeah I understand the motherboard and CPU, but why would I need to change the ram?

New CPUs require DDR4 memory. Your CPU uses DDR3. Can't reuse it.