I've created a LAN network between 2 PC with a crossover cabel. No routers or switches, pc's are connected to each other directly by a cable. Network seem to be established but it isn't functional. I can't play games nor share files.
When i ping PC from laptop everything seems alright. But when i ping my laptop from PC i get 100% packet loss.
I've tried disabling firewall and antyvirus. I have turned on Network discovery and, file and printer sharing but none of it helped.
I also checkced if the ports for the games are open, and they are.
PC runs Windows 8.1, and laptop runs Windows 7
Any ideas?
When i ping PC from laptop everything seems alright. But when i ping my laptop from PC i get 100% packet loss.
I've tried disabling firewall and antyvirus. I have turned on Network discovery and, file and printer sharing but none of it helped.
I also checkced if the ports for the games are open, and they are.
PC runs Windows 8.1, and laptop runs Windows 7
Any ideas?