Cant reach BIOS


Jan 27, 2017
Hi all,

My old motherboard died recently, as the VRM MOSFETs took too much heat. I have since taken all of my parts apart from my CPU to a store for testings. They all posted and came out fine.

I have recently bought a new motherboard, and I have just installed it into my case with no installation issues. However, upon turning it on, I do not reach the BIOS. All of the lights and fans turn on, but there is no beep from the motherboard. My monitors also do not turn on, which I suppose means there is no signal coming from the motherboard to them.

There could be a few issues here that are responsible for this. Either my CPU died along with the motherboard (as it was the vrms that burnt out), the new motherboard is bad, or my ram is incompatible. Or perhaps I need to do a BIOS update? I literally haven't a clue.

My specs are:

AMD fx9590
Asus Sabertooth 990fx R3
Corsair Vengeance (cmy16gx3m2a2400c11r)
SanDisk SSD
Seagate HDD

CPU cooler is H110i GTX. Airflow is good.

I am a student and unfortunately I do not have spare parts to test with. Neither do I have any money to continue spending on tests in shops.

I suspect it is either my CPU, but all my other parts are totally fine and the shop said it was unlikely that it would have died. My RAM may also be incompatible, but in my experience of building rigs, you don't always have to stick to the rather limited selection of RAM on motherboard compatibility lists. All in all, however, my monitors wont turn on, so I'm not even sure if I am getting to the BIOS or not.

If anyone can suggest anything that I might have missed, or offer any help, that would be greatly appreciated.
The motherboard doesn't have on-board graphics unfortunately. My PSU is EVGA 750GQ. The same PSU that worked fine in my old rig (same parts).

The BIOS should be up to date though, and I should at least launch if it wasn't surely?
What a motherboard detects as missing, an error, or simply not fitted can vary from brand to brand or model number.

But 98% of the time as to why a motherboard is reaching the state of powering up, spinning the system fans of the system or any fans as part of the cpu air cooler, or graphics card.

And it is either staying on while met with a black display on the monitor, or may power cycle off completely after ten seconds or more Dan.

Is the person who built the system has not connected the required 12v eight pin Eps power connector direct from there PSU to the motherboard.

Yours can be found to the top of the motherboard edge slightly to the left hand side in a white eight pin configuration dan.
As in the picture link bellow so please click on it.

Without the eight pin 12v EPS of the board connected the board will fail to fully power up and display the bios setup options key for selection Dan.


The 8 pin 12v is connected directly from the PSU. I have noticed however that after a few seconds one of the two fans on the GPU stop spinning. Perhaps this is a GPU error?

I have got the system to beep. It gives two short beeps, and I know this means the system has posted, does it not?

But there is still no signal to my monitors. I'm starting to suspect if its a GPU issue.

With that said, on the board's LED indicators, neithr the DRAM or VGA lights are up, so am I right in thinking this could also be a RAM issue?

The RAM is well seated. I've just put it down to the fact the CPU is dead. After all, it was the VRM MOSFETS that blew. Perhaps it back-fired to the CPU.