Can't remember old computer game title


Feb 21, 2015
Searching for old computer Game
I used to play this computer game when I was a kid on Windows 98 or even windows 95
It started with this eerie black and white introduction that looked like pictures from the manhattan project
The whole game was inside I think it was a space station but you spent the whole time wandering around halls and going to people's doors
Weird that's not much to go on but if anyone knows anything
hi i cant remember a game it was about 1999-2000 year i think .It was an Indian girl who had powers (spiritual) and her grandpa died by mystery and she was trying to solve it . there were riddles to solve . it starts n a place (india i guess as i can hardly remember) and she is looking to find her grandpa (or dad) she founds him and then she founds him again dead