Can't remove security freeze lock on Intel SSD


Dec 22, 2015
Hello all -- I have an Intel X25-M 80GB SSD, connected into my computer via a standard SATA connection. I am trying to use the Intel Solid-State Drive Toolbox to do a secure-erase on the drive, but am unable to do so because of the "security freeze lock".

Googling around gives several methods to remove the "security freeze lock" -- either disconnecting and reconnecting the SSD while Windows is running, or putting the computer into sleep mode and then waking it up -- but the Intel app still reports the SSD as "frozen" no matter what I try.

Any ideas?

Several members at this forum and other forums reported the same problem. If the usual tricks don't work, then use Parted Magic to solve the problem:

Thanks, I'll try both. Was trying to avoid paying the $10 for Parted Magic but it looks like that may be one of my only options.

EDIT: Parted Magic (even an older version) did the trick. It found the security frozen state as well, but entering and exiting sleep mode removed it, and allowed me to do a Secure Erase.