Cant run skyrim with decent framerate with a gtx960

Im not entirely certain on this as the AMD Fx 670K is rarely mentioned anyway. It seems that bottlenecking is a strong possibility and so to fix this you could either get a new processor, or as its a K version cpu you can overclock it to reduce the bottlenecking however if you dont have adequate cooling for your system its a bad idea
There is no FX 670k... And my gtx 760 2gb with an FX 4130 runs realvision ENB 2k textures some 4k textures ultra with AA with around 40 fps so you should be able to run it with any more u want and never drop to an unplayable fps

Are you telling me that I dont have the cpu that CPU ID litteraly is telling me I have? It's an AMD FX-670k quad core processor

I didnt know you could put a gtx960 4gb SSC in a labtop but uh my specs are. GTX 960 4 GB SSC AMD FX-670K 8 GB RAM 1 TB hardrive

XD a GTX 960 is a desktop card, not sure why he asked you that. Are you trying to run vanilla skyrim? if you are then the only thing I can think of is that your CPU is bottle necking your GPU, but I dont know enough about the 670K to know if it is, I shall check for ya
Im not entirely certain on this as the AMD Fx 670K is rarely mentioned anyway. It seems that bottlenecking is a strong possibility and so to fix this you could either get a new processor, or as its a K version cpu you can overclock it to reduce the bottlenecking however if you dont have adequate cooling for your system its a bad idea

I overclocked it from 3.7Ghz to 4.1 GHz and I'm able to run the witcher 3 now at 50 fps on high which is amazing for me, should I be worried about breaking something?

As long as it isnt getting too hot you should be fine