Can't run two 1080Ti's at the same time


Nov 23, 2012
Hi there everyone

I’ve got a problem with my GPUs and would love to hear any opinions!
I own a pair of MSI GTX-1080 Ti Sea Hawk Hybrid cards. For a short while things were working fine, however recently the system crashed and from then on only one of them works at a time. I'd like to get them both working again.

Lets call one A and one B. If I remove A from its PCI slot, then B works as normal. When I re-insert B, then B starts working, but A stops working and I cannot get a monitor signal coming from A and it doesn’t show up in my PC’s device manager either.

So they both work independently, but when both plugged in, only B works and A doesn't function.

Does anyone have any idea why this might be? Would it be a problem with the cards, or maybe the motherboard? I'm not using an SLI bridge

System specs:
Windows 10 64bit Professional
Intel 3930K i7
Asus P9X79

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I have found that when there is an issue, it is something that I have missed and not a hardware issue. I don't know what else you can try so it could be a hardware issue. Both cards work independently, so we know the cards are okay. Sounds like when the crash happened either your motherboard or your PSU was damaged.

I would lean towards the motherboard, because even if there was an issue with the PSU, the second card should show up in your device manager as they don't pull very many watts when they are idling.

Whats the psu?

Thanks for your input. As mentioned above, 1000W for the PSU, which I had imagined would be adequate?
The only other device plugged in to the PCI slots is my wireless network adapter.


Thanks, I'm going to try and run the tool. Then I just need to run the GeForce experience app to reinstall the drivers, is that right?


You can just pull the drivers from Nvidia, you don't need GeForce Experience to get the drivers. I have found GeForce experience to have a negative impact on gaming. Particularly with SLI and Gsync.

Here is a link to the Nvidia drivers:

And you PSU can handle the system as long as it did not fail.

Thanks for that. I uninstalled the drivers and re-installed the latest nvidia drivers, but I'm still only seeing one card in my device manager. In the case both the lights for the cards are illuminated, it's really strange :??:
It should automatically install for both cards, right?
Are they visible in another program? Try HW info or MSI Afterburner and see if you can see them there.

I assume the PCIe power cables from the PSU are plugged into both cards?

Are you using any M.2 drives or any other PCIe devices? Have you tried moving the GPU to a different PCIe slot?

Thanks for the suggestions, only one card is showing in MSI afterburner. Only other PCI device is a wireless network adapter, PCIe power cables all plugged in. I only have one more PCIe slot available that has space, and I don't think it's usable (is grey as opposed to the blue ones the GPU's are currently plugged into). As a last resort I may try detaching the cards and swapping them around, but they're pretty tied down currently as they're hybrids and the cabling is all very carefully arranged in the case so they can reach the fans.

A bit stumped, if anyone has any ideas then I'd be very grateful!
I have found that when there is an issue, it is something that I have missed and not a hardware issue. I don't know what else you can try so it could be a hardware issue. Both cards work independently, so we know the cards are okay. Sounds like when the crash happened either your motherboard or your PSU was damaged.

I would lean towards the motherboard, because even if there was an issue with the PSU, the second card should show up in your device manager as they don't pull very many watts when they are idling.

Ok, that makes sense. Appreciate the help