Can't shake this Trojan

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Nov 20, 2010
Hey guys, I upgraded my win 7 32 bit to 64 bit the other day and yesterday i installed eset nod 32 for protection. I get the following alert

12/1/2010 9:41:39 AM Startup scanner boot sector MBR sector of the 0. physical disk Win32/Olmarik.ADA trojan error while cleaning - operation unavailable for this object type

I ran a manual scan on everything. I figured i got this thing before i loaded up the nod 32 so i decided to back up important files on my secondary hard drive and format my main drive.

Formatted drive reinstalled windows and immediately installed eset nod32 (yes its updated) i was online for 15 min installing drivers for my computer when I get the notice again same as what i listed above Win32/Olmarik.ADA is still here. I did a complete in depth scan and it didn't pick up anything. I scanned my boot sector as well as my hard drives. Malaware bytes does nothing and from what i read on the forums this is a nasty thing to get rid of.

Would completely wiping my 2nd drive help fix this possibly? I havent slept for 2 days now trying to figure this out. Any help is appreciated, 4 now I must sleep.

He was offering to help. Combofix is a very good utility.

There is also a malware guide in my signature (also stickied at the top of this section), for this exact reason.
Are you offering help? Or are you telling me to go elsewhere for it? This program tells me to use it if someone is offering to help interperet its readings.

He was offering to help. Combofix is a very good utility.

There is also a malware guide in my signature (also stickied at the top of this section), for this exact reason.
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