Hey so I recently got a new case and a new video card.. here is my current build... http://pcpartpicker.com/p/x7z7nQ. Everything works fine except I noticed the first time I turned it on the two front fans weren't working. I opened the computer up again and I noticed I just forgot to plug the cable the fans where hooked up into the 4 pin fan slot in on the motherboard keep in mind I had the LED plugged in and they were working fine. When I went to turn it on again it wouldn't boot up. After messing around I noticed I can't have the fans plugged into the motherboard if I want the computer to turn on. If they are plugged in the light turns on for a second when I push the power button but thats it no noise or anything. Any idea on why this is happening? The 2 front fans are really big and nice and it would be a shame if I couldn't get them to work.