Can't turn pc on with 2 front fans plugged in... :(


Sep 18, 2014
Hey so I recently got a new case and a new video card.. here is my current build... Everything works fine except I noticed the first time I turned it on the two front fans weren't working. I opened the computer up again and I noticed I just forgot to plug the cable the fans where hooked up into the 4 pin fan slot in on the motherboard keep in mind I had the LED plugged in and they were working fine. When I went to turn it on again it wouldn't boot up. After messing around I noticed I can't have the fans plugged into the motherboard if I want the computer to turn on. If they are plugged in the light turns on for a second when I push the power button but thats it no noise or anything. Any idea on why this is happening? The 2 front fans are really big and nice and it would be a shame if I couldn't get them to work.
sounds front fans draw way too much power than the motherboard fan connections allow. also sounds like they're linked on 1 should be 1 connector per fan, not 1 connector for both fans..i think the case was designed with inline adapter in mind or use of a fan controller. which i thought was odd that they didn't include either with the case when they installed those bigger fans.
when i build a pc, i normally put in a pwr supply with 25% or greater surplus of pwr of what i need. also are you over clocking your system..cause that would cause a drain on your total pwr and therefore effecting your pwr needs total. there also might be a short in one of the fans that is increasing the drain to cause your pc to fail to boot up. pcpartpicker doesn't take into account for total pwr usage by case fans in the system. cause if u remove the parts except for the case, it shows up as no pwr usage. if theres a short on the motherboard where the case fan connects to, then u can avoid using that connection and use an inline connector adaptor for case fans by connecting directly to your pwr supply..plenty of fan controllers out there that allow this.
to check if it's the fan or the connector..try disconnecting one of the other case fans somewhere else in the system, and connect one of the front fans to it..if it boots up fine, then it's the connection on the motherboard that is the problem, if it doesn't then it's either faulty fan or pwr supply problem. if u have an inline connector available and it runs fine without any other connections to the pwr supply..then it's a pwr supply problem, if not then it's the fan.

I am not over clocking.. and I will try and inline connector adaptor... it could be a few days before I get one though... >.> but thanks!

i gave up on case fans completely and just bolted a 20inch 3-speed window fan to it...runs quieter on low/med than most case fans and cools the whole case and parts in it alot better even at low speed than if i shoved 10-15 120mm fans into it on it's own dedicated pwr supply. i got a box in the basement with 30+ 120mm case fans in bro borrows one or 2 every so often.

I tried unplugging the back fan that also came with the case and plugging the front 2 and it still wouldn't work.. To be fair the 2 front ones are a bit bigger though and there is 2 not just 1.
sounds front fans draw way too much power than the motherboard fan connections allow. also sounds like they're linked on 1 should be 1 connector per fan, not 1 connector for both fans..i think the case was designed with inline adapter in mind or use of a fan controller. which i thought was odd that they didn't include either with the case when they installed those bigger fans.

Alright thanks so much ill try it! If that doesn't work do you think I need a bigger power supply like 50 or 100 more watts? If so what would you recommend? Or are the fans defective?

They probably did but I bought a used one off Amazon. It seems brand new no scratches or dents but I didn't get the normal bag of extra screws and and other cables that normally comes with it new so that could be why I didn't get any.
if u want u can go for both..bigger pwr and the adapters.
as for pwr...get at least 80+ gold or better. and check the reviews of each more than 1% complaints allowed per pwr supply make/model if u choose to get a pwr supply.
1% example - 200 good reviews, 2 bad ones
that means u have a mostly decent pwr supply to last you thru at least 2 pc builds/rebuilds or about 3-5yrs depending on how u look at it.