Question Can't update bios

Nov 6, 2024
Hi everyone, I just bought a new pc, prebuild, installed windows, drivers and everything, I also wanted to update my BIOS, downloaded the latest CAP file, tried to use ez flash utility to read the file and once I press yes to read the file it gets stuck and nothing happens... left it like that for hours and nothing...
Motherboard model : ASUS PRIME H610M-K D4 View:

What am I doing wrong?

What brand, what model, full details.

It may be that they have changed the BIOS so that you can't update it. Major builders like HP have been known to do that.

I never heard of a CAP file. Where did you get it?
Them changing BIOS so that I couldn't update sounds about right ... could be...
Well all the asus bios update files end with .CAP, I always thought its something normal, anyway I downloaded it from asus site ofc
USB flash drive has to be formatted to fat32.
Cap file has to be extracted from zip archive.
You also have to run BIOSrenamer, to rename cap file to appropriate file name.
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